Hi guys, hope you don't mind the deluge from SF Bay Area residents on your board, I'll try to not make too many waves, but having seen this thread I felt the need to respond.
I'm not going regurgitate what the other BAR members have already said (well ok maybe a little bile), just give you a little background history to give some indication of how our program evolved. And if you're disinterested simply scroll to the next message and I won't feel offended
Initially I was at a BOD meeting (Board of Directors) where the idea was being tossed around, I thought to myself, no way in hell this could work,I mean ok Xenia will prop like crazy, and maybe even LPS corals compared to how slow some SPS seem to grow, so how could this ever work? But being a bit of a masochist I volunteered (along with another member) to head up a subcommittee on it, basically be a moderator of the sub-forum.
Initially it started with some common stuff, some less common stuff, occasionally some "nice" stuff started popping up. (By nice, I mean something that I don't consider THAT common, i.e. go to ANY store in the area and you can get it that day common).
At this time I was keeping track of stuff, trying to figure out who gave to who, how many corals certain people got, and how many they gave out, and from this "position on high" (which btw anyone could have done if they looked at the sub-forum) and could see if anyone was "abusing" the system, and what not, and while it appeared some were taking way more than they were giving, I decided not to post that info (even though I really did). I may have been a moderator, but the success of this program seemed to hinge on lack of intervention at any level. I did how ever post glowing reports about those who did put in, like top three who gave the most frags, frags that went the most generation, etc.
Some time later I decided to quit, around the same time new BOD members were coming in, but my job as a teacher seemed to be getting larger and larger as a commitment standpoint as I taught more classes. Others stepped up to the plate and have exceeded everything that I've done. It wasn't any single person's program that hinged on what they did, in fact if I did nothing it still would have went off fine.
Since I heard the LE mentioned I have to mention it here. "LEs" (now this is a very generic term, I'm not going to rant about... just label as "rarer" for now) did pop up occasionally, but then one day, one person tossed up a ton of really cool frags, not all of them had the Tyree stamp of Expensiveness however they were definitely not common by any means. Initially a lot of "ooh I want" popped up. But then something neat happened, a lot more "really cool" frags popped up from other members, and more and more, until (very shortly after) the DBTC "Xtreme Edition" came into being as an official sub-forum.
Now the thing you might think, is everyone would be messaging like crazy, IV of coffee so they stay up all night and constantly refresh the sub-forum looking for new potentially crazy insane corals. But almost the opposite happened, greed of wanting everything rare almost stopped, and some people had hard times giving away corals! People who did get corals (I got a couple favia and a couple aussie lords) often said something along the lines of "wow that's cool, but I've taken enough so far, I'll let someone else in on it, I'll wait for 2nd or 3rd generation", and it seemed even though "the best" stuff was shooting out there, the spirit of what this program was about seemed to be set in granite, and it's only around two years old
So the moral of this story, and I apologize for the long message I tend to rant/soapbox on any message board I talk about (the teacher side in me
), is that initially it might not seem like it's working, and might fail but given time it can work. Now culture differences aside, it might work different, in fact I'm almost going to guarantee it'll work different since you have (I think) more members active in your forum than we do in ours. But it's something that can turn out, in time, to be quite a nice thing, and the reason I'm saying this is people getting too excited about it early might have to wait a bit for the dividends to pay off
Thanks for your time
BAR Member