Advanced Reefer
- Location
- San Juan, PR
i could have sworn i was told, by a knowledgeable reefer, hydno was an LPS but everything i find online says sps?
i'm really cofused
i'm really cofused
Dont be - it's an SPS and in the Fire coral family. Very aggressive and usually kills anything in it's path - although, I have seen an Acan kill it, so, take that!
my acan killed a piece of my hydno too
I recently had a chalice come close to an acan with the result being the chalice kicking its ass. The chalice actually coved about 2 inchs with stringlike extentions. 5 polyps got taken out before I realized what was happening and moved the acan away.What doesn't an acan kill? lol
Hydnophora is known as the coral assassin and it can actually produce sweeper tentacles several feet long to attack colonies in it's vicinity. When they go all out on an attack it looks like they are shooting cotton all over another coral. I used to have a pic of a Hydno attacking an acro I'll see if I can find it, it wasn't pretty.
I've actually never seen a Hydnophora produce sweepers at all. Typically they kill-- and quite effectively as noted above--- via mesenterial filamamnets which are their inverted digestive organs-- the cotton looking stuff.
i could have sworn i was told, by a knowledgeable reefer, hydno was an LPS but everything i find online says sps?
i'm really cofused
I've seen mine go for anything it can "taste" in the water column! Hence the nick name "Spiderman"!Typically they kill-- and quite effectively as noted above--- via mesenterial filaments which are their inverted digestive organs-- the cotton looking stuff.