gtag('event', 'conversion', {'send_to': 'AW-972395556/RN4nCJnV4tkCEKSo1s8D'}); -->
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120 Club Member
Norwalk, CT
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just had a reefeer BBQ at my place last weekend in honor of a visit from House of Fish

i think another one is a must when it gets a little warmer


Senior Member
stamford ct
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tell ya what....since

craig organized the event last week and

liz went overboard with the food and

i got some needed/good stuff and

i got an great suggestion on how to kill alota noise from my durso ( i'd heard it before but the unanimous voice of the meet made it seem crazy not to try it)

and MR has always been a major source of help with my tank......

i'll offer to host a connecticut/westchester pig roast this spring or summer in stamford. i picked up a pig roaster a few years ago and it seems a shame not to use it mor often. you all bring beer and i'll spring for a medium size pig. isnt that expensive and i'll still consider myself ahead.

go for the summer months and you could try dipping yourself and your favorite livestock in the pool.

come to think of it, jason's (see thread on Greenwich Aquaria) is only a few miles down the road from me and its gotta be open by then.....

just an idea


Salt Reefer
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Last BBQ was definitely a good one. I had to bail early but I still met a bunch of cool people, and scored some great stuff.

Definitely looking forward to the next one.

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