gtag('event', 'conversion', {'send_to': 'AW-972395556/RN4nCJnV4tkCEKSo1s8D'}); -->
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Green polyp leather


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i had a hitchhiker gorilla crab - it was small & with fuzzy claws. i noticed them late one night eating one of my colonies down to the plug...tried to grab it with tongs, but it was super fast. ran into a hole in LR and i quickly plugged it with foam. so far so good...


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When I look at night I don't see anything. Sometimes I see my emerald crabs but I can't catch them! I put a trap in there last night and all I caught was a hermit crab and a cleaner shrimp lol. I love my tank but this is killing me!


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My zoas are also disappearing since I got some frags at the swap. I found a nudibranch today on my zoas but couldn't catch it in time.

I'm not sure why nobody has suggested it but the only cure I can find is FLATWORMEXIT by salifert I will be treating my entire system now weekly to kill all adult nudi since it doesn't help w eggs. Anyone have experience w this product? ( i dip coral rx before introducing all frags but I guess I had some eggs somewhere)


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Staten Island
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My zoas are also disappearing since I got some frags at the swap. I found a nudibranch today on my zoas but couldn't catch it in time.

I'm not sure why nobody has suggested it but the only cure I can find is FLATWORMEXIT by salifert I will be treating my entire system now weekly to kill all adult nudi since it doesn't help w eggs. Anyone have experience w this product? ( i dip coral rx before introducing all frags but I guess I had some eggs somewhere)

always examine your frags bud! under the plug and all i usually pop them off or if i cant i scrape allot of the plug off . Hope all goes well never had that problem so i cant answer! :( sorry!


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My entire frag got eaten in 2 days ( 10 heads zoas) luckily it wasn' my expensive ones but it shouldn't be Long before they make a meal of out them.

Funny thing is that I saw something like a slug when I was dipping and scraped it off. I guess the sucker laid some eggs that are now adults. Ill post my success or failure story after I use this flatworm salifert stuff. Also will be using tweezers to try and catch em ( probably won't work 100% though). Might even set up my old 8 gallon evolve to quarantine but I really don't want to.


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I added the yellow corris wrasse to the tank and it seems everyone is picking on her. She just sits in the corner. Should I take her out or leave her in there?


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Yea I felt bad :( but they are getting along now kinda. But she was out swimming around today so I think they are good. If I see her get picked on again I will take her out and out her in my 34 :)


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BUMP! HELP! PLEASE! I don't know what is killing my zoos! The only visible things I see near my polyps at night are amphipods! I also see the little star fish I forgot what they are called but at the rate I am losing polyps it can't be them plus I pick them out every time I see them. I need help on what to do? Please! And let's say it is the amphipods how do I fix that? I already have 3 wrasses and I see them pluck at the rocks during the day but the pods don't come out till night. Sorry for being a pain in the butt! But I really could use some of the experts help with this! this is really starting to make me depressed :(

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