• Why not take a moment to introduce yourself to our members?

Majestic Angel S/M $79.99
Blue Face Angel S/M $89.99
Blue Face Angel Juv M $49.99
Emporator Angel $79.99
Blue Koran Angel $29.99 (Special)
Eibli Angel $24.99
Bicolor Angel $14.99 (Special)
Blue Pygmy Angel $19.99
Orbiculated Batfish $29.99
Pinnatus $79.99
Banded Blenny 9.99
Bicolor Blenny 9.99
Midas Blenny 14.99
Threadfin Butterfly 19.99
Raccoon Butterfly M/L 39.99 S 24.99
Tomato Clown 14.99
False Percula 9.99
Clark II 11.99
Maroon Clown 14.99
Lyretail Anthias 9.99 (special)
Royal Dottyback 9.99 (special)
Green Mandarin 19.99
Neon Gobies 6.99 (special)
Gold Spec Jawfish 9.99 (special)
Pinkbar Goby 14.99
Oriental Sweetlip $29.99
Dwarf Lionfish $19.99
Blue Spotted Stingray $79.99
Bangai Cardinal $12.99
Pink Cardinal $9.99
Banded Pipefish $15.99
Alligator Pipefish $12.99
Porcupine Puffer $34.99
Yellow Boxfish $29.99
Longhorn Cowfish $39.99
Powder Blue Tang M/L $49.99
Clown Tang L 29.99
Clown Tang S 19.99
Black Spot Tang (Acanthurus Bariene) $54.99 :biggrinpa
White Freckled Tang (Acanthurus maculiceps) $69.99
Palelipped Tang (Acanthurus leucocheilus) $69.99

Red Coris Wrasse (adult) $24.99
Blue Fairy Wrasse $9.99 (special)
Blue Cleaner Wrasse $7.99
Six Line Wrasse $14.99
Filament Fin Wrasse $9.99

Cleaner Shrimp $17
Coral Banded Shrimp $9.99 (special)
Tiger Cowrie $19.99
Indonesian Turban Snails $2.99 2/$5.49 4/$10
Red Sea Stars $12.99
Blue Linkia $9.99
Brown Carpet Anemone $34.99
Rose Anemone 29.99

Asst. Tube Worms $14.99

We will have an assortment of 9.99 specials every weekend. Please PM me to put anything on hold or be dropped off in manhattan (LES) or queens (flushing)... thanks danny

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