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Sorry for the short notice but i'm going to have a small order come in on Wednesday. This is for the people that wanted something from me but I couldn't get the stuff in for the swap. The list is the same from last week (copy and pasted) So availabilty and price can be off just by a little. Let me know What you need. Post here. Pm is getting full very quick so please post here on what you want.

Cleaner shrimp sm - $16
Cleaner Shrimp md - $18
Harlequin - $18
Sexy shrimp - $12


Anthias Orange (indo) - $24
Anthias Dispar- $20
Anthias purple Square (indo) - $28
Anthias Purple Queen - $15
Anthias Tiger Queen - $16
Truncate Anthias -$18
Anthias Tricolor - $26

allardi clown (africa) sm - $15
blue striped clown sm - $16
Clarki clown sm - $11
md - $15
false perc (sm) $9.00
False perc (md) $11.00
True Perc (sm) $16
True Perc (md) $19
Gold stripe Maroon (sm) $21
maroon clown sm -$14
md - $16
Orange skunk S/M - $9
Pink Skunk sm - $6
md - $8
Tomato Clown sm - $7
md - $9

Gobies and Blennys
Midas blenny (africa) XLG - $40
Bar Goby sm - $8
Bicolor blenny - $8
Blue dot goby - $25
Bundoon Blenny -$20
Carnary Blenny - $8
Citron Goby LG - $18
Clown yellow goby - $5
Diamond Goby Lg - $19
Engineer Goby - $5
Firefish Goby - $8
Firefish purple goby - $25
Fusi Goby - $16
Harbour Goby - $15
Tiger Jawfish - $18
Lawnmower blenny - $8
Marind Green Goby md -$9
lg - $12
Midas Blenny - $17
Orange striped goby - $10
Railway sleeper Goby - $20
Red scooter blenny - $12
Red head goby - $22
Scissortail bogy sm/md - $10
Scooty blenny sm/md - $5
Smithi goby $10
Blueface tile goby - $28Tang Smd - $48
Purple tile goby md/lg - $45
Skunk tile goby - $25
Twin spot goby - $10
Watchman Pink Goby - $10
Watchman yellow goby- $10
White rayed shrimp goby - $35
Yellow rose goby - $14


African Leopard wrasse - $30
Birdfish Green Wrasse sm.md - $30
Bluehead Wrasse - $20
Blue sided fairy wrasses - $19
Carpenter wrasses $28
Cleaner Wrasses - $5
Dragon Wrasse Sm - $14
md - $18
Gold bar wrasse (africa) - $40
Harlequin Tusk smd - $48
md - $55
Lunare wrasse md - $14
lg - $19
Pencil blue wrasse - $26
Radiant Wrasse sm/md - $38
Red coris Wrasse sm - $9
Red coris Wrasse adult (hawaii) md - $38
Six line wrasse - $12
Sunset wrasse - $45
Christmas Wrasse md - $11
Yellow breasted Tamarin - $25
Yellow coris Wrasse Md -$11
Yellowhead Wrasse (belize) - $30

Red leg hermit (md) $6 ea
blue leg hermit (tiny) $1.25 ea
nassarius snails (small ones) - $.50 ea

Atlantic blue tang sm - $22
md - $32
lg - $42
Blue hippo tang 1"-2" - $35
3.5" - 5" - $60
5" - 6" - $75
Chevron Tang md - $120
Clown tang smd - $20
md - $28
Convict Tang sm - $14
Gold rimmed tang md - $45
Naso Powder blue tang lg - $70
Salfin Tang Sm - $17
md - $25
Scopus Tang sm/md - $14
Unicorn Tang sm - $30
md - $50
Yellow tang sm - $20
md - $25

Premium Fiji Live rock (has to be cured)


Brain Coral Green sm - $25
Md - $30
Brain flat md - $30
Lg - $40
Brain coral Red sm - $35
Bubble coral sm - $25
Md -$28
Bubble coral green (indo) - $35
Bubble coral (tonga) md - $40
Cabbage coral sm/md - $25
Candy Cane Coral - $25
Carnation sm - $30
Cladiella Soft coral md - $35
Lg - $40
Pink Cladiella M/L - $50
Devils hand md - $30
Elegence coral sm - $55
Md - $60
Fungia - $25
Galexea Coral md - $30
Hydnophora sm - $40
Leather md - $30
Mumps leather - $30
Torch sm - $27
Md - $32
Umbrella Yellow/Green ? LG - $55
Yellow fiji leather - $40
Yellow cup coral Md - $40
Yellow turbinaria Coral Md - $40


Senior Member
(1) clown tang
(1) scopast
(2) percs *small*
yo bro ADD

(1) cleaner wrasses i forgot u didnt have one last week
and get me
(20) nass snails
Last edited:

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