• Why not take a moment to introduce yourself to our members?

Stuff will leave water on Thuresday night and arrive on Friday.

Pick up available on Friday and Sat at 6122 7th Ave Brooklyn
347 739 2411
Also you can try to use Yahoo messenger [email protected] if I am at that particular computer

Immediate same day delivery available for a fee.

I will order rock and nassarius snails
Live rock box ~50lb...$200 (most if not all rock has coraline algae)
nassarius snails.........$25 lots of 50, $15 lots of 25, $1 each
300G Marine formula..$18.00
Purple Lobster...........$12 each

New Additions
Fancy Stylaster
Mushroom Green
Mushroom Hairy
Mushroom Blue
Blub Anemone Green.......$20 Preorder, $25 after
Yellow Seahorses...........$18 depends on final order qnty
Super grade Crocea Clams................$32 preorder, $40 after arrival with pic
depends on final order qnty...must pick up ASAP I don't have the right lighting for them

If you don't see what you want here, email me.

Samples of last shipment


Last edited:
Yellow Seahorse => $22
3" Crocea Clam => $35 I want him out eventually because I have not enough light for him.
4.5" Crocea Clam => $50 Huge
Flasher Male (sm) => $23
Blue Linkia Star 6-7" => $15 I definately want him out because I have no room for him. Too big for my tank.

some corals left, I will post pic for those.


WingoAgency said:
Mod, can you tell me how to rate a client/customer/trader.

On the side of your Avatar you have a # ,click on the members # and you will be able to rate them
(IM not a Mod)

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