gtag('event', 'conversion', {'send_to': 'AW-972395556/RN4nCJnV4tkCEKSo1s8D'}); -->
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Breakin Newz

Advanced Reefer
North NJ
Rating - 100%
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Thank you all!!



Breakin Newz

Advanced Reefer
North NJ
Rating - 100%
86   0   0
Rising the thread from the dead!

Got to check out this color explotion of a tank last night. Very nice tank, makes me wanna upgrade. Nice size fish too. Very cool.

Thanks for letting me check it out.

Thanks dude!! I appreciate it, to bad you caught it at it's worse though... I been neglecting it lately! :banghead:

And wow this thread needs an update! lol


Tunicate Tamer
Brooklyn, NY
Rating - 100%
163   0   0
Hi there,
I think the alt. reef rock you used is beautiful. It looks like it has cave/cavelike features as well to provide hiding spots for fish, etc too!

I'm reading the link to the alternative reef site and it says their rock is porous/good for the colonization of bacteria i.e. good alternative for live rock.

How has your experience been in terms of long term use in your tank?

Some other alts for live rock I've used in the past crumbled over time, etc.

I don't have a personal tank right now, but am always collecting info as I continue waiting to start back up.

Pretty tank btw, the colors are awesome, and I am still an LPS fan!

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