gtag('event', 'conversion', {'send_to': 'AW-972395556/RN4nCJnV4tkCEKSo1s8D'}); -->
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Advanced Reefer
Sound Beach,LI
Rating - 100%
40   0   0
Nice tank mann! I love those dimensions , good luck with it. As far as the rock goes, it looks really cool but dosent seem like its porous enough. It dosent look like it has the capability to become a good "live rock" cause it wont have any where for the anaerobic bacteria to grow

Breakin Newz

Advanced Reefer
North NJ
Rating - 100%
86   0   0
Nice tank mann! I love those dimensions , good luck with it. As far as the rock goes, it looks really cool but dosent seem like its porous enough. It dosent look like it has the capability to become a good "live rock" cause it wont have any where for the anaerobic bacteria to grow

Thanks dude! Yea im not worried as this won't be the only rock I will be using, I will be using my aged rock from my other tanks... So it will be fine!

And im not sure what gooch uses, check him out at , he does awesome work!

Breakin Newz

Advanced Reefer
North NJ
Rating - 100%
86   0   0
Thanks all!!!

Sneak peak! Just got done tranfering everything, corals are not in there place as of now...


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