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I would trade the clam. Your lighting really isn't enough for it unless you put it as close to the top as possible. Also when the summer comes, the heat might be enough to cook it. As for your skimmer, the one thing I noticed about coralife skimmers is that if you keep it in an area where the water is at a contant level, you dont really ever have to readjust it. I use mine as a HOB in my sump with my vortex in my 220 and as a stand alone in the 125. I love that stain btw.


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O also your skimmer runs better if you run it as a dry skimmer. basically let it bubble about an inch after the red. You're gonna have to clean it alot, but its definitely worth it. For the media socks, I normally load it with chemi pure or ferric oxide.


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besides wanting to show off my new favorite corals! torch, and brain
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i wanted to discuss my sump. I got the following issues resolved due to the genius' of MR, i put my protein skimmer as a hob on the sump, its been working much better, it also made up for alot of room, i moved the electrical equipment away from the sump so now i can sleep better at night, and added gfo along with my carbon and chemipure elite. Now that i made the sump more efficient and easier to maintain, i was thinking about making the left chamber a refuge. I can move the water that goes into the filter bag into the middle compartment to flow through the bag into the sponge then to the return? is it worth it making a refuge? i would really like to add one to the tank if it would be beneficial. what i do not understand is how will pods from the refuge make it to the tank if there a sponge over the return. I also have a koralia nano laying around that i can add to the refuge(and a light) if i need more flow.

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move this to the middle


is a refuge possible? tell me what you think, i love advice, and suggestions, anything to make the sump better? i no i have a light picked out if i do go through with this, and i would alternate the light with the aquarium light!


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long island, ny
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looks like a cool green tunicate growing!




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