gtag('event', 'conversion', {'send_to': 'AW-972395556/RN4nCJnV4tkCEKSo1s8D'}); -->
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nevermind, that thing is long gone. However, still trying to figure out what I am going to do about lighting. I read elsewhere that the LED technology is inevitably going to progress a lot in the next year both in sophistication and cost. I want to get rid of my Par38's because of the spotlighting and the desk lamps are somewhat of an eyesore. However I don't think it's logical to spend $400 on a dimmable fixture. I would like a used fixture but they usually get grabbed up very quickly off the marketplace.

On another note, I just noticed 4 new heads on my duncan and today I got my mandarin to eat Rod's food without selcon. :)
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Here are some new pics. Will get better ones when I get the new light...






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Finally got some photos of my mandarin. I like this guy a lot. Arthur (guarda) did a great job training it to eat brine with selcon. It's now eating brine (with or without selcon), rod's food (with or without selcon), sometimes it will also eat the instant ocean gel packs.




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Thanks a lot,I picked it up from Manhattan Aquariums today and I am pretty stoked about it. Although it's actually a sponge. I'm cutting it down to two pieces tonight to give my acans a little room. It's a little cramped in that corner and the sponge is a large piece.

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