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Raleigh, NC
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One point I can make is large tanks add alot of Heat and RH to your home. Mine is located in the garage but I just installed and exhaust fan that kicks on when temp or RH rises. The garage felt like a rain forest.
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One point I can make is large tanks add alot of Heat and RH to your home. Mine is located in the garage but I just installed and exhaust fan that kicks on when temp or RH rises. The garage felt like a rain forest.

My tank is in my office and i think my central AC is working harding dehumidifing.


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Instead of me explaining my system here is my build. http://www.manhattanreefs.com/forum/tank-threads/64544-here-we-go-again-500gallon-build.html It will answer all of your questions. However, If I had to do it again....I would address the following.

1) Flow....Closed loop of some sort. Remember it is about quality not shear quantity.
2) Temperature concerns(cooling) I would and am building a geo-thermal unit.
3) I like my lighting but would use LED's NOW.
4) A bigger sump....
5) A back up Generator for the whole system....total peace of mind.

Just my 2cents of what I encountered over the past year with this system.



Saltwater since 1973
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A. Oh No!!! My skimmer is larger, I have more turnover, and I do large water changes! I think the majority of people who dose DO test before and after they dose. If you just blindly dose based on your volume, actual or estimated, you are in for trouble...
The problem with your reasoning is none of this is an exact science...
B. I always test and you know what? A rough estimate of volume usually gets you right where you need to be...
C. Sorry about the gallonage thing. I guess it is in the dictionary so you win....
Wes...I understand that this is 'useless' information to you (an experienced/successful reefer),but
a bigger skimmer, extra powerheads, and larger water changes, ALL cost EXTRA $$$...I don't recommend cutting corners, but if there is any way to save some $, whats wrong with that? I do think that you are wrong, that the majority of people DO test...I think they may say that they do, but I don't believe it!
You are right, that this may not be an exact science. I, myself, do very limited testing...I'm not recommending that for ANYONE else, but it has worked for me, for over 30 years...I SWEAR, I can see/smell/sense a problem, when I check my tanks, daily
B. are you implying that you do, in fact, have a 'rough estimate of (ACTUAL) volume'?(gallonage)

C. I have asked the Mods, to make your concession a 'STICKY' :tongueani...don't worry, stay strong... 'the SOUTH shall rise, AGAIN!'


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Raleigh, NC
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I am saying my rough estimate is usually the advertised display volume. I don't add sump volume to compensate for the rock, sand, etc. This has worked out just fine for me.

Where you and I disagree is you say it's important to know the actual real life amount of water in your system. I say I do just fine with my very rough estimate and spending time to calculate my actual volume would be a waste of time for me.

What's up will all the southern wisecracks? Moved out of NYC only a year ago. I love it here.

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Saltwater since 1973
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A. I am saying my rough estimate is usually the advertised display volume. I don't add sump volume to compensate for the rock, sand, etc. This has worked out just fine for me.

B.Where you and I disagree is you say it's important to know the actual real life amount of water in your system. I say I do just fine with my very rough estimate and spending time to calculate my actual volume would be a waste of time for me.

C. What's up will all the southern wisecracks? Moved out of NYC only a year ago. I love it here.
A. I WIN, AGAIN....YOU do 'adjust' your 'total volume' to compensate for rocks,sand, etc.
I think everyone, ESPECIALLY, large tank owners, should have a better idea of their ACTUAL gallonage...
The subject came up, after Dr. Lopez questioned the gallonage of a member, who had listed 4 tanks with a total 'advertised display volume' of 550g. When he answered that he was running about 500g, I (unfortunately) opened my big mouth to correct/inform him, of his error !
BTW, you could calculate (estimate) your actual volume, in less time than you spent on your last post!
C. Not everyone knows that you used to harass us 'locally' from NYC...WE LOVE YOU...THERE!... JUST KIDDING, Wes... :inlove: ...THANK YOU, you have helped spread the word...gallonage!
So you have your actinics on only 4 hours total? hmmm interesting, whats your thinking, i'm interested.


Yeah I didn't think it was necessary for me to have them on along with the MHs anymoew because they don't make that much of a difference to me anymore plus I'm saving 390W for every hour they're not on. I think 750W of MHs are enough. The only thing I use them for are for a dawn and dusk affect that's why they're on for 2 hours in the beginning and end of my light cycle.


Saltwater since 1973
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Could knowing actual gallonage, help?
ok so when i went to manhattan aquariums they said that my calcium levels were too high and that i was dosing too much.
BTW if you have rocks/sand in there, your tank has less than 20 gals. of water, keep that in mind...
10ml is too much for a 20 gal.your pH must be through the roof .Do a 25% water change and test pH /alk....
not a perfect example, but sh_t happens...I REST MY CASE!


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Raleigh, NC
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albano said:
Could knowing actual gallonage, help?

BTW if you have rocks/sand in there, your tank has less than 20 gals. of water, keep that in mind...
10ml is too much for a 20 gal.your pH must be th
not a perfect example, but sh_t happens...I REST MY CASE!

It's a perfect example of why you should test before and after dosing instead of just following the directions on the bottle based on volume.

He has no calcium demand so knowing the exact volume would not have helped. Dosing based on "actual volume" without testing doesn't always work.

I rest my case....

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