Just updating!
Should wait till the 25th., but what the heck! My reef will be 3 years old on the 25th. of this month. It had two disasters, 1 with a heater that took out almost all of my fish, added 4 # 4 Koralias at once without acclimating a tank that had never had Power heads to begin with, and I consequently shocked all my LPS. Lost 90% of all my lps with that one. The last one was my stupid forgetfullness mistake (I turned the lights on 1 morning for another reefer to see the tank, and forgot to turn them off before I left the house). The lights normally are on PC 10 AM to 11 PM, MH 5 PM to 10 PM. That day the MH were on 10 AM to 10 PM, when I got home a few of my SPS had began the threaded RTNing process. I tried clipping them at the rtning spot, but lost them anyway.
I replaced a few of the fish I lost to the heater, and I even finally got a Powder Blue tang that seems to be loving my reef, the lps that hung in during the PH incident have rebounded, and are doing great! The SPS are doing well, I am working on providing them with an even better home.
I am currently running this tank with a EuroReef RS80 which is very under rated for a tank this size, so I will God willing will be upgrading that to a BM 200 soon.

I do have an ATO (Reef Fanatic), and a Reefkeeper 2 controlling the lights, heaters, and fan. I do have a the Two Littlefishies reactors, and the GFO & Activated Carbon, but I am not currently running either.
Parameters are staying stable at this time with weekly 20% water changes - using RO/DI water & IO salt.
Not dosing at the moment since pars are stable.

Did have to dose a few months ago when I had stopped doing weekly water changes, and pars went out of wack.
Pics, sorry Moidol your student has not been practicing.