You know... it's funny I was JUST looking at a Christmas wrasse. I will get one this week. I got a few questions for those with experience.
Current Livestock:
1 Small Blue Hippo Tang
1 Small Sailfin Tang
1 Pink Anthias
2 False Percs
1 Firefish Goby
1 Green Chromis-- will be adding 5 more this Friday.
1 Yellow (not so yellow anymore) watchman goby--- I want to buy him a mate... but not sure how to pick any ideas?
1 Flame Angel-- Dom, can I add one of your Potter's Angels or an African Flameback Angel with this guy? He seemed pretty mellow when the tank I got him from had like 4 other flame angels.
1 Peppermint Shrimp-- will be adding 2 more if I can get to Manhattan Aquariums this weekend
1 Cleaner Shrimp... will be adding a mate for him soon
Future Potential Livestock:
1. Male flasher wrasse
2. Red Head Solon fairy wrasse
3. 3 Small Yellow Tangs (maybe)
4. Potter's Angel... if possible.
6. Anthias triplet (Lyretail)