I would like to share my build from a 90 to a 215 gallon. My current tank no longer looks like a display tank anymore. Its more of a holding/frag tank for my 215. This will be a slow build as I also have to attend a 3 and a 1 year old. Below is the plans I drew up to follow (I hope).
This is how I would like my sump area to look like.
Here is my 215 Gallon Oceanic tank with Starfire front pane. Its currently in the garage surrounded by junk.
Here is a 100 gallon tub filled with over 200lbs of Marco rock. The skimmer is a Royal Exclusive Vertex Alpha 250. I would like to start the Brightwell products while the rocks are in the tub, but I would like to take out the rocks and Aquascape on the ground, instead of in the tank. I'm afraid that the bacteria will die while i'm aquascaping.
For lighting, I have the 72" Aquatinics Constallation.
So I decided to start with the sump stand and this is what I got done so far.
This is a 65 Gallon sump made by Melev. I will be modifing this sump so that I can drain each compartment individualy for water changes.
The Manifold. I decided not to glue anything until I'm 100% sure where I want things to go.
Manifold with True Union Valves
My sump has three compartments and I decided to drill a hole in each compartment. Now I will be able to drain each compartment for water changes. This will also allow me to move all the crap on the bottom of the sump into the holes while draining the sump. I'm guessing that I should be able to drain about 40 gallons for a water change. Not including the water that I will remove from the frag tank.
These are the valves under the sump that I can open to drain the sump. The water will drain underneath the sink into a drain pipe. I have not finished this as I still have to connect the frag tank to this drain pipe.
This is where I left off.

This is how I would like my sump area to look like.

Here is my 215 Gallon Oceanic tank with Starfire front pane. Its currently in the garage surrounded by junk.

Here is a 100 gallon tub filled with over 200lbs of Marco rock. The skimmer is a Royal Exclusive Vertex Alpha 250. I would like to start the Brightwell products while the rocks are in the tub, but I would like to take out the rocks and Aquascape on the ground, instead of in the tank. I'm afraid that the bacteria will die while i'm aquascaping.

For lighting, I have the 72" Aquatinics Constallation.

So I decided to start with the sump stand and this is what I got done so far.

This is a 65 Gallon sump made by Melev. I will be modifing this sump so that I can drain each compartment individualy for water changes.

The Manifold. I decided not to glue anything until I'm 100% sure where I want things to go.

Manifold with True Union Valves

My sump has three compartments and I decided to drill a hole in each compartment. Now I will be able to drain each compartment for water changes. This will also allow me to move all the crap on the bottom of the sump into the holes while draining the sump. I'm guessing that I should be able to drain about 40 gallons for a water change. Not including the water that I will remove from the frag tank.

These are the valves under the sump that I can open to drain the sump. The water will drain underneath the sink into a drain pipe. I have not finished this as I still have to connect the frag tank to this drain pipe.

This is where I left off.