Hate to be the sore thumb, but were these pix edited? If so do you have any unedited pix?
If notonce again!!
Are all the zoos stuck to a few pieces of giant rocks? They are all overlapping each other, I am just wondering how you go about fragging them.
Great looking Tanks!
I'm gradually becoming interested in LEDs more and more. Can you provide us more information on the LED fixture? Who makes it? How long have you been using it? Have you seen any difference in coral growth or change in colors between your LEDs and T5s? Most fixtures I've seen in the U.S. have blue and white LEDs only. What is the reson for the red LEDs?
Thanks for sharing your tank with us..
very nice tank....and great colors...i see you dont run a skimmer....but i know softies like less sterile water ...
now i know in taiwan you can legally have arowanas...i love the chilli reds and the super golds.....got any to show!?
Nice to have your comment! I think you know the magic power of LED light better than I do! May I ask what is the spec. of the LED lamps you are using? Just curious! LOLSuper color!
Even your MH T5 shots are exceptional. I wish I can take pictures like that. I am so envy of you.
Thanks!Nice fully stocked reef..
Really? So you got your contact to the company already? Hope to see yours with pics posted here!orderedmy light 36 inch one cant wait thanks Cozer