The Janss pipefish are doing better than my wildest dreams. Well, maybe not my wildest dreams as they all involve Supermodels, but my other wild dreams that don't involve Supermodels. like less than one percent of my dreams. The ones that involve pipefish.
The pipefish are eating new born brine shrimp. My biggest concern is that I can't hatch enough shrimp for all my pod eaters as I have plenty.
I may have to build a larger shrimp hatchery. I have the 2 Janss pipefish. 2 bluestipe pipefish, 2 mandarins, another unknown pipefish, a clown gobi, 4 or 5 queen anthias, a lepard wrasse and 2 or 3 flasher wrasses.
I can't tell exactly how many fish I have because I have a lot of rockwork and behind my tank is in a closet where 3/4s of the tank I can't see and the thing is 6' long.
The queen anthias and flasher wrasses all look the same, sort of like Supermodels and I can't tell how many I have. I have a lousy memory as it is and don't remember when I got any of them except for the Janss pipefish because that was yesterday.
Tomorrow I will forget about them and in a few months, I will be looking at the tank and say: Wow, what cool looking pipefish, I wonder where they came from.
I always had a bad memory. When I met my starter wife almost 50 years ago, (the one I am still married to)
I used to call her on a "pay phone" (google it) and hope she wouldn't answer the phone right away so I had time to look at the little piece of paper in my wallet that had her name on it.
I still have my little black book from when I was 18. It has all the girls I met while I was in the Army and it spans many states and countries, even Australia. Of course they are all Grand Mothers now if they are even alive. I hope so because, to me, they were all Supermodels as I feel most women are. It's a state of mind and has a lot to do with character, personality and their love of fish.
I met a beautiful girl once working at a place in Colorado that had a waterfall. She was behind a counter. We talked for a while and I really liked her and asked her out. She kept changing the subject and I figured she just wanted to stick a sea urchin in my eye.
I met her again and she was limping, so I asked what was wrong. She told me she only had one leg as she lost the other one from cancer and she was embarrassed to tell me.
That made me like her even more but I was shipping out to Viet Nam in a day so I couldn't hang around. The Army frowns on you not going to a war because you met a girl you liked. I never heard of her again.
If she saw me now, she would probably laugh as I am not exactly the "Stud Muffin" I was then