Good morning. I took a walk this morning like I always do and saw, for the third time a Bobcat.
Bobcats are not rare or unusual but they are not supposed to live here on Long Island and haven't been here since way before nancy Pelosi was born.
They would either have to swim the 25 miles from Connecticut or take the Long Island Railroad which I doubt they could afford a daily, one way pass to ride.
I looked the thing up and it is a Lynx Rufus. It looks like a very big, beefy, hairy house cat about the size of a medium size dog.
I don't think the thing could eat me or anything even though I walk there in pitch black but there are some little kids that wait for the school bus there so I was a little concerned and called the
Dept of Environmental Conservation.
It wasn't easy finding an extension to go on because they have things like: hunting licenses, fishing licenses, fresh water fishing licenses, salt water fishing licenses, oyster licenses, clam licenses, muscle licenses, deer licenses, drive on beach licenses, park on beach licenses, look at beach licenses, bird hunting licenses, duck hunting licenses, beaver trapping licenses,
(there was one sighting of a beaver in the last 100 years on Long Island so we may as well shoot it)
Kelp harvesting licenses, amphipod collecting licenses, Licenses to look at Supermodels and licenses to get the phone number to find out where to get a license.
I first went on their web site and filled out a form but had to call it a beaver because these things don't live here so there is no category for them. I would imagine I could have put in penguin but that also wouldn't seem close.