Today, the day after Election Day I got up at 4:00 to watch the news and maybe see who won the election. At that time there was no clear winner so I waited an hour and a little after 5:00 am I decided to go for a walk in the dark.
I walked and walked, maybe a mile and a half and it was in a different direction of where I usually walk. I walked past the locked door that goes down the 176 steps to the beach.
I thought about going down to the beach just to chill out. (And it was chilly so it wouldn't be a hard thing to do) But I didn't bring the beach key with me.
I noticed that the door was propped open. I figured I would check it out and I was going to go through. Then I remembered you also need a key to get back out so if I was down there and someone closed the door, I would have to take a very long, cold walk along the beach to get out.
I looked at the lock and it was missing, just a hole in the door so there was no way to lock me in.
Before the steps go down there is about a 75 yard wooden walkway. I was a little tired from already walking but I was tense and wanted to relax so I started to walk to the beach.
Half way in on the wooden walk way I see something. There are tall bushes all along the sides of the walkway and it was still kind of dark so I couldn't make it out.
It moved....... I watch the show "Ancient Aliens" and I believe that stuff, so I figured I was about to be abducted and beamed up to an Alien space craft where they would do questionable experiments on me while they flashed pictures of Supermodels on the blackboard in front of me.
(Or maybe they just wanted to know how to install a reverse undergravel filter)
This thought kind of intrigued me so I was focusing my mind toward the object trying to do a sort of mind meld with the Aliens.
I slowly walked toward the object and it moved again....Now I don't consider myself a Snowflake but I also wasn't going to charge this thing because in case it wasn't an Alien it could be a Grisly Bear or woodchuck. I am not sure if there are any Grisly Bears on Long Island but in the Bronx Zoo I know there is a Polar bear and that is only less than 100 miles away so he could have gotten here.
By this time It was getting a little lighter and I noticed it was antlers. Big antlers like a Moose would have. OK, maybe not a moose but it was a deer.
A big buck with two of his main squeezes. I don't think he took kindly to me as he kept starring with a mean look in his eyes.
I tried not to look to amorously at the females as I didn't want him to think I was any competition and I prefer my Ladies to have two legs.
We stood and looked at each other for what seemed like an eternity, but it was probably 10 seconds and neither one of us flinched.
I was getting cold so I slapped my hand down on the wooden railing and yelled
I must have intimidated the to females and they ran away. The Buck just stood there defying me and giving me the evil eye.
I am a city boy and I have no idea how to fight a deer. Do I just grab his antlers or kick him in his shins?
I don't know.
Luckily for him (OK me) he decided to turn and walk toward his harem.
I made it down the beach and it was a beautiful sunrise.