:shhh: Derasa clam
It doesn't spit the mysis shrimp out? That's a pretty large food item for a clam. Plus it would have to be made of gold to weigh 6-7 lbs at 3".
I envy ur meticulous reefkeep, im way to impulsive a psychotic to be able to do things the right way the first time
Electrical Sparks: Bringing Life to the Aquarium.
In order to allow all my toys to work of course electricity is required. I have used 3 seperate Power Strips to provide more then enough outlets for all the gadgets within the Aquarium while allowing plenty of space to add more. The load for each outlet is staggered to the next seperating each set of electrical components based on the level of importance. I'm not pulling an extreme level of power but just a precautionary measure.
Can you explain what you mean by this in more detail ? I dont quite understand the staggered load bit.
BRAVO! your thread is meticulously detailed with loads of pictures!
wow that is sad but i'm glad they're sending you a new tank!
i use nylon mesh bag on my magnet. cut up the bag that comes with my pura complete and cut it into piece that are size of the magnet. keeps sand grains and ect out and does a better job cleaning glass.