Some information on the algae cycles. I am constantly telling people who post about algae problems in their tank to take some corrective action and just wait it out as it is the natural progression of the tank. It was no different with this tank.
In this case, the tank went through a couple stages of algae. The first to pop up was a diatom bloom. Everything turned brown, the glass the rock and the substrate. This did not last very long until hair algae took over. I had hair algae growing as thick as grass on my substrate and over the better portion of rock.
It was at this point that I took some corrective action. I sucked all the hair algae off of my substrate and got as much of it off of my rocks as possible. It was at this point that cyano broke out in the tank in a big way. Although this was a problem in itself, it did cover and kill the remaining hair alage. The Cyan was the biggest problem, and I am just getting over it now. It covered everything, and I mean everything. It was in high flow areas, and low flow areas. It was in high light areas and low light areas. At one point it was even living in my sump.
Admittedly the problems I experienced could have been kept under better control. Since the tank has been set up I have done only one water change and a small one at that. I have been running GFO and carbon aggressively, and been keeping my skimmer nice and clean so that it works more efficiently. (IME a dirty skimmer neck cuts down on performance). As with the hair algae, I was vacuuming the cyano out of the tank. I was doing this about every two days for two weeks or so.
These measures alone, got my tank to the point where I could see that the cyano was not spreading as quickly and was even starting to die back in certain areas. With that I Cut the lights off my system for four days, and it all but disappeared. That was about a week ago, and I have not cleaned the tank at all in the FTS shot above since then (I lie, I cleaned the front glass last Friday) \
You can still see some alage in the tank. Their is a brown type of alage, on some of the substrate and the back glass and a little bit of hair alage on some of the rock. But it seems to be improving by the day. Nitrates are at less than 5 and Phosphate is at .03.
You will notice that my rocks are stark white, which really made the algae pop. But I have strated to see a new type of algae spreading to some of my rocks. Any idea what it is... here is a pic.