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I'm just starting to see tiny pieces of algae starting to grow, so I'm sure I've got some nutrients in there. I've not done any testing yet, figuring that with the freshness of the live rock and small amount compared to tank volume I'd probably be alright initially. Once I get the new shipment I'll probably test a bit more religiously. I did do a quick, small water change tonight (really small - around 8% - I'm limited by the lack of water change buckets right now, though I plan to do another on Friday before the live rock arrives on Saturday). I'm also likely to wait a while before adding a CUC, on the basis this gives an opportunity for some macros to grow and microcrustacea populations to take off, feeding on the macros. What do you think? Am I storing up problems this way?

Sorry, all that should be in my own build thread. :oops:

I really like the concept of an all xeniid tank, particularly after seeing those photos. Are you going to consider mixing the odd non-xeniid in there just to give some contrasting textures/height? Should be an original, attractive tank once you've finished with it.

Actually, your CUC order has got me thinking. I'm going to post a question about my planned CUC in my thread now. Visit if you have time. :)


The Escaped Ape":29cqh1xj said:
I'm just starting to see tiny pieces of algae starting to grow, so I'm sure I've got some nutrients in there. I've not done any testing yet, figuring that with the freshness of the live rock and small amount compared to tank volume I'd probably be alright initially. Once I get the new shipment I'll probably test a bit more religiously. I did do a quick, small water change tonight (really small - around 8% - I'm limited by the lack of water change buckets right now, though I plan to do another on Friday before the live rock arrives on Saturday). I'm also likely to wait a while before adding a CUC, on the basis this gives an opportunity for some macros to grow and microcrustacea populations to take off, feeding on the macros. What do you think? Am I storing up problems this way?

Nah. I never add the CUC til the cure is just about over myself. I also don't do small water changes during the cure (although I suppose if the ammonia levels ever really were off the chart, I would); instead after the cure is pretty much finished I do one big (~50%) one.

Me, I'm not usually a fan of macroalgaes in the display unless it's something like maiden's hair that grows very, very slowly. Having had hitch-hiking caulerpa racemosa pretty much destroy one tank on me in the past left a bad taste in my mouth.

Sorry, all that should be in my own build thread. :oops:

Nah. :D You know my threads ramble :D

I really like the concept of an all xeniid tank, particularly after seeing those photos. Are you going to consider mixing the odd non-xeniid in there just to give some contrasting textures/height?

Yep.... at the very least I'll be adding gorgonians and ricordea (the sexy shrimp will probably host with those). If I still feel the tank needs more contrast, I'll add a single colorful acropora millepora or montipora too.

Actually, your CUC order has got me thinking. I'm going to post a question about my planned CUC in my thread now. Visit if you have time. :)

I'll be over in a few minutes :)


Quick update....
Just got shipping confirmation, my clean up crew should be delivered tomorrow.

I inquired with NuOcean about when they'd restock the bubble magus nac3.5 skimmer days ago without ever hearing a response... but then I got lucky and found another US dealer who carries them and had them in stock. Courtesy of www.socaltropicalfishoutlet.com I should have my new skimmer by early next week.

Finally, I picked up a new nitrate test kit and took readings on the tank tonight. Looks to be somewhere between 15-20ppm. Not bad for this stage of the game in a tank that hasn't yet seen a water change, especially for a tank intended for mostly soft corals. Still, I'll do a 50% water change by the weekend to bring it down.


Good news about the skimmer! Looking forward to seeing shots of it in action. 8)

I really need to test my nitrates soon. The algae's growing, so there must be some...


Alright, quick question for you all. I've found a company that actually has a couple pieces of sympodium in their stock at the moment. It's this morph....

This is not a species that shows up with any frequency. Should I gamble on grabbing it now? I would probably have waited on my first coral introductions for a few more weeks yet, but it's a safe bet these will be gone if I wait. As I mentioned above water params are 0 ammonia, 0 nitrite, 15-20ppm nitrate. I wouldn't hesitate to keep xenia in those conditions, but don't know how this stuff would do.

What do you think? Gamble on grabbing it, or gamble on it still being there if I wait?


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grab it.

I'll keep it in my tank until you are absolutely ready.


:lol: :lol:
Tell you what.... they have two. Once I make up my mind if I'm ordering one or not, I'll let you know who has'em if you want to order the other :D


I think I'll think about it for a few days more, give me the chance to do some maintenance on the tank this weekend and see where things stand.

My clean up crew arrived today in good health with no problems. Blue Zoo ships hermits and snails dry, with wet paper towels... every vendor should. The five sexy shrimp arrived fine as well. Gorgeous little buggers, little being the operative word; I've seen bigger amphipods :D So damn cute though....


I love the sexy shrimp! Thought about getting them, but the bottyback I have in there would inhale them without question.


I'm seriously tempted by some small ornamental shrimp. With my new stocking plans, I don't think I'll have anything that'll eat them.

BTW, CJ, if I were you I'd pull the trigger on the corals. Unless you're confident that similar varieties will come up again soon.


The Escaped Ape":2w4l4bb3 said:
I'm seriously tempted by some small ornamental shrimp. With my new stocking plans, I don't think I'll have anything that'll eat them.

BTW, CJ, if I were you I'd pull the trigger on the corals. Unless you're confident that similar varieties will come up again soon.

It's hard to guess. In the past decade I've maybe seen 10 pieces of sympodium on offer.... but six of those have been in the last two months, all six of which came in from Jakarta and about half of which were mislabelled by their vendors as clove polyps. It's possible there will be a real influx of them now if someone out that way is now making an effort to collect them. Or it might be two years before I see one again.


It's up to you, but I don't think it would be a huge risk buying them now. I'm still kicking myself on the bright orange-red blassto I missed out on when my tank was still on order. At least yours is wet and running already. These aren't super-sensitive to nitrates are they?


I wouldn't expect them to be.... xenia, anthelia, heteroxenia all seem to prefer slightly elevated nitrate levels in my experience. Sansibia seemed much more demanding when I had it, though, so I'm wary of categorizing sympodium's needs based on its more common relatives.

Did a little digging and did manage to find a post by a guy who's had some for around a year. He says they seem to do fine in almost all conditions... high lighting, low lighting, whatever, with just not liking being in really high current areas. Says it's grown steadily no matter what he's done with it, which sounds promising.


It sounds like I might be a bit more trigger-happy than you, but you can see where I'm going with this. :wink:


If they're still there monday I'll likely go ahead and order them.


cjdevito":1el55v0d said:
If they're still there monday I'll likely go ahead and order them.

Do they like the same conditions as xenia and/or clove polyps?

They are pretty cool and would seem a good addition to a softy/lps tank.


browncj7":oh93g1ja said:
cjdevito":oh93g1ja said:
If they're still there monday I'll likely go ahead and order them.

Do they like the same conditions as xenia and/or clove polyps?

They are pretty cool and would seem a good addition to a softy/lps tank.

I'd treat them as a picky variety of xenia. Assume they aren't -quite- as forgiving, but on the whole similar. The only xeniid I've ever tried that was really an exception to the usual care was sansibia, which was decidedly finicky about everything... flow, light, water parameters.

Here's the good news. Since I made my post friday, I've turned up two other dealers with some currently in stock. Mislabelled in almost every case, but definitely sympodium. Looks like I have a little bit of time before I have to swoop on one. If you're really interested, drop me a PM and I'll point you to one of'em :)


I'll pass for now, but I am going to keep them in mind when I build the basement tank...

(in a few years)


In the meantime I've gone ahead and scooped up five redspot cardinals from liveaquaria, who were delivered yesterday. Despite the fact that they went so overboard with cooling packs that the temp of the shipping water was in the 60s, all five arrived in great condition and were feeding on prepared foods 10 minutes after being introduced to the tank. I'll get an auto-feeder set up this weekend so I can give them small feedings four times a day.

Under the LEDs these fish positively glow.

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