Nice tank, Ranger! A few ?'s for you...
1. What kind of T5s are you using? Ocean Blue, 100% Actinic, 50/50, etc?
2. What do you reckon is the total flow in your tank (gph, lph, etc)?
3. How did you get that blue background effect? Did you just paint the back blue?
4. Do have any issues with your mushrooms closing up on you for extended periods despite no water quality issues? Just wondering how they like relatively intense lighting in your tank. Mine seem to look frazzled unless they're in the shade (I'm using 1x250W 10,000k, 4x24W T5 Ocean Blues). Mine also started detaching from the rocks and floating to the bottom.
I've been eyeing a nice green star polyp rock at a LFS, but everytime I go in I get a little scared b/c the sweepers are out about 8" in all directions. Those are one of my faves, but it would probably wreak havoc in my 50 gal tank b/c there's no 'isolation' area. Did yours ever settle down?