b]Set Up Date[/b] : August 2000
Tank Size (LxHxW | Volume): 8ft by 2ft by 2ft/240 gallons
Sump Size (LxHxW | Volume):40 gallon tank
Live Rock (Mass):300-400 lbs
Live Sand (Mass):30 lbs in sump only
Lighting (Type | Wattage | Photoperiod):440 vho 160no, 11 hors
Protein Skimmer (Brand | Model): Turbofloater 200 hang on in sump
Biological Filtration (Type): just added a emperor 400
Chemical Filtration (Type):some carbon
Circulation (Rate | Brand | Model): multiple high speed power heads
Return Pump (Rate | Brand | Model):Little giant 2md sc
pH (Morning | Evening):
Temperature (Range | oC | oF):79 degrees
Specific Gravity / Salintity (g/g | ppt):10245
Alkalinity (meq/l | dKH): I dont check my parameters unless something looks wrong.
Calcium (ppm):I dont worry about it cause I use tap water taht is high in calcium and my stuff has good growth rates
Ammonia (ppm):0
Nitrite (ppm):0
Nitrate (ppm):10-15
Phosphate (ppm):?
Fish : 6"Blueface Angel, 8" naso tang, 4.5" Yellow tang, 5.5" Regal tang, 7" Magnificient Rabbitfish, 5 bartlett anthias, 5 yellow tail damsels, 1 orange tail damsel, 1 3 stripe damsel, yellow watchman goby, Bar Goby, clown goby, Long nosed hawk, six line wrasse, pair of tomato clowns, flame angel, black sailfin blenny.
Corals :hammer, lots frilly shrooms, torch, bubble anemone, star polyps, three toadstools, pest flower anemones.
I am debating taking out most of the corals since the angel periodically gets hungry. I am hoping the flower anemones i got from a buddy take over my tank like they did his
. So far I have twice as many as i started with and its only been 2 months.
Invertebrates : tuxedo urchin, caribbean common urchin, 3 brittle stars, queen conch, abalone, caribbean whelks, astrea snails, turbo snails, cowries, limpets, cerith snails, scarlet hermits, 1 fire shrimp, 2 cleaner shrimp. 1 coral banded shrimp, 1 gold breasted coral banded shrimp. Numerous feather worms, couple of big caribbean clams, var other stuff.
Maintenance Program :30g water changes when it looks like it needs it. Scrap coralline of acryliic weekly
Additional Information : I am converting this to a limited reef as the blueface got Ihungry and ate some shrooms.
Tank Size (LxHxW | Volume): 8ft by 2ft by 2ft/240 gallons
Sump Size (LxHxW | Volume):40 gallon tank
Live Rock (Mass):300-400 lbs
Live Sand (Mass):30 lbs in sump only
Lighting (Type | Wattage | Photoperiod):440 vho 160no, 11 hors
Protein Skimmer (Brand | Model): Turbofloater 200 hang on in sump
Biological Filtration (Type): just added a emperor 400
Chemical Filtration (Type):some carbon
Circulation (Rate | Brand | Model): multiple high speed power heads
Return Pump (Rate | Brand | Model):Little giant 2md sc
pH (Morning | Evening):
Temperature (Range | oC | oF):79 degrees
Specific Gravity / Salintity (g/g | ppt):10245
Alkalinity (meq/l | dKH): I dont check my parameters unless something looks wrong.
Calcium (ppm):I dont worry about it cause I use tap water taht is high in calcium and my stuff has good growth rates
Ammonia (ppm):0
Nitrite (ppm):0
Nitrate (ppm):10-15
Phosphate (ppm):?
Fish : 6"Blueface Angel, 8" naso tang, 4.5" Yellow tang, 5.5" Regal tang, 7" Magnificient Rabbitfish, 5 bartlett anthias, 5 yellow tail damsels, 1 orange tail damsel, 1 3 stripe damsel, yellow watchman goby, Bar Goby, clown goby, Long nosed hawk, six line wrasse, pair of tomato clowns, flame angel, black sailfin blenny.
Corals :hammer, lots frilly shrooms, torch, bubble anemone, star polyps, three toadstools, pest flower anemones.
I am debating taking out most of the corals since the angel periodically gets hungry. I am hoping the flower anemones i got from a buddy take over my tank like they did his

Invertebrates : tuxedo urchin, caribbean common urchin, 3 brittle stars, queen conch, abalone, caribbean whelks, astrea snails, turbo snails, cowries, limpets, cerith snails, scarlet hermits, 1 fire shrimp, 2 cleaner shrimp. 1 coral banded shrimp, 1 gold breasted coral banded shrimp. Numerous feather worms, couple of big caribbean clams, var other stuff.
Maintenance Program :30g water changes when it looks like it needs it. Scrap coralline of acryliic weekly
Additional Information : I am converting this to a limited reef as the blueface got Ihungry and ate some shrooms.