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Fish Guy

Advanced Reefer
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b]Set Up Date[/b] : August 2000

Tank Size (LxHxW | Volume): 8ft by 2ft by 2ft/240 gallons

Sump Size (LxHxW | Volume):40 gallon tank

Live Rock (Mass):300-400 lbs

Live Sand (Mass):30 lbs in sump only

Lighting (Type | Wattage | Photoperiod):440 vho 160no, 11 hors

Protein Skimmer (Brand | Model): Turbofloater 200 hang on in sump

Biological Filtration (Type): just added a emperor 400

Chemical Filtration (Type):some carbon

Circulation (Rate | Brand | Model): multiple high speed power heads

Return Pump (Rate | Brand | Model):Little giant 2md sc

pH (Morning | Evening):

Temperature (Range | oC | oF):79 degrees

Specific Gravity / Salintity (g/g | ppt):10245

Alkalinity (meq/l | dKH): I dont check my parameters unless something looks wrong.

Calcium (ppm):I dont worry about it cause I use tap water taht is high in calcium and my stuff has good growth rates

Ammonia (ppm):0

Nitrite (ppm):0

Nitrate (ppm):10-15

Phosphate (ppm):?

Fish : 6"Blueface Angel, 8" naso tang, 4.5" Yellow tang, 5.5" Regal tang, 7" Magnificient Rabbitfish, 5 bartlett anthias, 5 yellow tail damsels, 1 orange tail damsel, 1 3 stripe damsel, yellow watchman goby, Bar Goby, clown goby, Long nosed hawk, six line wrasse, pair of tomato clowns, flame angel, black sailfin blenny.

Corals :hammer, lots frilly shrooms, torch, bubble anemone, star polyps, three toadstools, pest flower anemones.
I am debating taking out most of the corals since the angel periodically gets hungry. I am hoping the flower anemones i got from a buddy take over my tank like they did his
. So far I have twice as many as i started with and its only been 2 months.

Invertebrates : tuxedo urchin, caribbean common urchin, 3 brittle stars, queen conch, abalone, caribbean whelks, astrea snails, turbo snails, cowries, limpets, cerith snails, scarlet hermits, 1 fire shrimp, 2 cleaner shrimp. 1 coral banded shrimp, 1 gold breasted coral banded shrimp. Numerous feather worms, couple of big caribbean clams, var other stuff.

Maintenance Program :30g water changes when it looks like it needs it. Scrap coralline of acryliic weekly

Additional Information : I am converting this to a limited reef as the blueface got Ihungry and ate some shrooms.

Fish Guy

Advanced Reefer
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Tank is still doing well. Moved corals to a 100g tank due to blueface. Increased circulation with a bigger pump and added a inline canister filter from red sea. Had to move and a few fish didnt make it :(. Fish residents are now the Blueface, regal tang, yellow tang, damsels, goby, clowns, and flame angel. Still have lots of mobile inverts but only sessile ones are bubble anemones with psycho clownfish to keep angel away.


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WHAT skimmer are u using, if its a turboflotor 1000 then its far too small for the tank, u should use one of the turboflotor 5000s

Fish Guy

Advanced Reefer
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It is a 1000 and it works great. I just got it replaced. First one broke a bout 7 months ago and the fish never cared. Shirmp and clownfish kept on breeding. I got sick of looking at red slime algae so I replaced the skimmer. Heck for the last 7 months Ive run my 240g with no filtration what so ever. My sump has a dsb and i have 300-400 lbs of lr and only three big fish. Plus I only do water changes once every blue moon. have added the skimmer and replumbed the tank with bigger pump and red sea inline canister filter. Thinking about adding trio of Scott wrasse 1 m 2f and a sohal tang or rabbit of some sorts.

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