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Set Up Date :I started this Reef in Feb of 2001!

Tank Size (LxHxW | Volume):55 gallon

Sump Size (LxHxW | Volume):20 gallon custom sump

Live Rock (Mass):75 lbs of uncured Figi and Happai

Live Sand (Mass):I have a 4" DSB that is more than alive thanks to IPSF!

Lighting (Type | Wattage I have the very common 4 VHO setup consisting of 2 50/50 URI's and 2 Actinic connected to IceCap 660. Soon to add a IceCast dimmer! UPDATE: I have just added two 13w actinic PC's from AH supply for my dawn to dusk simulation. Possibly a IceCast dimmer on the way!

| Photoperiod):My photoperiod consists of:
2:00pm 2 13w Actinic PC's on
3:00pm all 4 VHO's on
1:00am all VHO's off
2:00 am PC's off
Soon to be Dimmed via IceCast!! Yeah
( I'm a college kid so I'm up really late sometimes and its nice to have the Reef on when I can view it!)

Protein Skimmer (Brand | Model): Awesome TurboFloater w/ 1 Rio 600 and another Rio 2500! I know Rio's suck!

Biological Filtration (Type):Bio is via the LR and 4" DSB. Figi and Happai LR!!

Chemical Filtration (Type):I use Carbon once a month for a couple of hours when I remember

Circulation (Rate | Brand | Model):My return is a Mag 5 and I also have 2 Maxi-Jet 1200's in the corners and 1 900 in the middle all connected to a Wavemaster by Red Sea

Return Pump (Rate | Brand | Model):Mag 5 @ 500gph @ 10ft of head

pH (Morning | Evening):8.10 to 8.36

Temperature (Range | oC | oF):78-80

Specific Gravity / Salintity (g/g | 1.025-1.026ppt):

Alkalinity (meq/l | dKH):3.5 meq'l

Calcium (ppm):400ppm

Ammonia (ppm):0
Nitrite (ppm):0

Nitrate (ppm):0..I have never had a problem w/ nitrates Whoo hoo!!

Phosphate (ppm):0.01 or 0

Fish :1 Beautiful Fat Sabae Clown
1 Stunning Flame Angel
1 Yellow Tang
2 FireFish ( Ely and Whitney
1 Blue Hippo Tang ( no they dont fight!)

Corals :medium Devils finger leather
lg umbrella leather
medium christmas tree wormrock
1 yellow gorgonian
1 red fan gorg
1 purple blade gorg
lg forgspawn
huge colony of shrooms
1 Goniopora
1 nice colt coral
colony of button polyps
huge pink finger softy
several colonies of green
meat coral
nice bubble coral
small open green brain
med long tentacle plate anemone

Invertebrates :1 cleaner shrimp along with various snails and crabs for cleaning duties in which they do a good job!! Also various pods and worms from IPSF.

Maintenance Program :I do a 20% water change every month w/ R/O DI water. I use carbon once a month if needed. Clean overflow and powerheads every month. I clean the skimmer cup every other two days
( it so full of smelly nasty crap) and clean the glass everyday w/ a magnet cleaner!

Additional Information I dose 20ml of B-Ionic everyday along w/ iodine supplements every 3-4 days. I use Kent turbo calcium for extra calcium boosts when needed and soon I will be using B- Ionic Magnesium to stabilize everything! I also use Kent strontium once a week for the goniopora. I also use kalk every now and again to get the PH up and add a little calcium. I get my Awesome pure water from my local water store Water'N Ice. They are awesome.. I find there water to be unbeatable compared to a home r/o system. This project started going on 4 months age and has been very expensive. I have probably shelled out close to 3k!!! I find if you research and research and have patience you have a succesful reef tank. You have to have a love for these awesome creatures in order to attain the patience to deal with the struggles that you might encounter long the way with reefkeeping


[ May 28, 2001: Message edited by: trevor ]

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