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Set Up Date :
July 2001
Tank Size (LxHxW | Volume):Glass tank in living room 60"x36"x30" 280 gallons
Refugium in basement = 3'x5'x2' 150 gallon rubbermaid tub

Sump Size (LxHxW | Volume):100 gallon sump,150 gallon refugium.

Live Rock (Mass):I guess about 400 pounds

Live Sand (Mass):There is between 2" and 10" of Southdown sand in the tank. On top is a thin layer of Carib Sea Special Grade Reef sand to stop things blowing around. I've put 350 pounds of Southdown play sand in the Rubbermaid container along with a 5 gallon bucket of sand from an established aquarium and 30 pounds of Argamax and live rocks. The 75 gallon tub has 550 pounds of Southdown sand and live rocks.


Now the system has 21 x 50 pound bags of Southdown sand.

Lighting (Type | Wattage | Photoperiod):the tank 3x400watt MH 2x110VHO
The refugium will have 2x250watt MH

Protein Skimmer (Brand | Model) : Right now there is no skimmer on the Rubbermaid tub.


There is now a protien skimmer in line, but it's not skimming.

Biological Filtration (Type):400 pounds of rock & 1200 pounds of sand.

Chemical Filtration (Type):I will use carbon if the water gets yellow, I haven't had the need to use it since I set it up in April 2001

Circulation (Rate | Brand | Model): 2x Quite One pumps in a closed loop. They are each about 1000 gph. I need to add more circulation. I'm thinking of drilling more holes in the tank for more pumps or replacing one of the Quiet One pumps with the Iwaki 70 and replacing the Iwaki 70 with an Iwaki 100.

Return Pump (Rate | Brand | Model):Iwaki 70, maybe upgrade to an Iwaki 100 or some kind of Dolphin pump (suggestions?)

pH (Morning | Evening):

Temperature (Range | oC | oF):27 degrees C. About 80 degrees F.

Specific Gravity / Salintity (g/g | ppt):1.025

I don't test for anything except Specific Gravity / Salinity

Alkalinity (meq/l | dKH):?

Calcium (ppm):I drip kalkwasser

Ammonia (ppm):

Nitrite (ppm):

Nitrate (ppm):

Phosphate (ppm):

Fish :

There are a few fish.

A Regal Angel _Pygoplities_diacanthus_
A Purple Tang _Zebrasoma_sp.
A BlueYellow tail Damsel.
A dottyback. _Pseudocromis diadema_
A False Percula _Amphiprion_ocilarus.
A Yellow Tang _Zebrasoma_flavensence.

Update: added a Algae blennie.

Corals :

Yellow Polyps
Other stuff I can’t identify.

Invertebrates :

Mobile Inverts:

1 known snail
1 3/4" hermit crab.
3+ 1/2" hermit crabs.
2 Big Sally Lightfoot Crabs _Percnon_gibbesi_?
2 or 3 10"Brown Brittle Stars
1 12" Serpent Star
8 tiny 1/4" white starfish.
tiny worms that look like orange 1/4" threads.


Added 5 Lysmata Cleaner Shrimp
Added 2 Sea Urchins

Maintenance Program :

I feed 2 or 3 times a day, I'm feeding
Hiraki sinking pellets (large)
Nutramax pellots (small)
Spiralina flake
Half a sheet of nori
frozen brime shrimp.

Additional Information :

I bought and moved a complete 280 gallon reef tank and contents. I've got the livestock in a 150 gallon Rubbermaid “keep alive” tub, and a bunch of rock and sand in a 75 gallon tub. Now I'm planning and setting up the tank.

Tank is LxWxH 60"x36"x30" 3/4" glass. It will weigh about 500lb's. It has a built in overflow and is drilled for overflow and circulation.

In tank circulation is provided by two Quiet One pumps circulate the tank in a closed loop.

In the original location he tank was set up on the first floor and the sump, ballasts, skimmer, kalkreactor etc are all in the basement. – It was quiet on the first floor. I plan to reproduce that with the addition of a deep sand bed and a 150 gallon refugium on the tank.

The tank was lit with 4 x 400 watt Metal Halide's and 2 x 110 watt VHO actincs on an IceCap ballast and a dimmer.

The tank was half full of very nice live rock and about 2cm of 1mm arragonite.
There are hard and soft corals in the tank. I’ve used the original substrate to inoculate the Southdown sand and have removed most of it now that the Southdown sand is “biofouled”.

Planned Changes to the tank.

I've decided I want more light and more circulation in the tank than it had previously. I also want to put in a refugium and use algae harvesting. I also want to add a deep sandbed. I’m also thinking of going skimmer less or reduced skimming when things get set up. For the first year or so I plan to run the skimmer.

I want to add a refugium inline between the protein skimmer and the sump in the basement.

I’m thinking of removing the two sally lightfoot crabs. I’m also not sure of the big brittle stars and the big serpent star or the large hermit crab.


I've set up the water circulation now I need to figure out the lighting. I've got 4 Metal Halide balasts. Looks like I've got to do some searching for electrical setup

[ June 26, 2001: Message edited by: derick ]

[ August 03, 2001: Message edited by: derick ]

[ August 03, 2001: Message edited by: derick ]

[ August 10, 2001: Message edited by: derick ]

[ August 30, 2001: Message edited by: derick ]

[ December 11, 2001: Message edited by: derick ]</p>

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