Set Up Date : January 2001
Tank Size (LxHxW | Volume): 48x21x18 -72g
Sump Size (LxHxW | Volume): no sump, 404 canister fluval, external protein skimmer, UV Sterilizer taking 1/3 of flow from Canister filter.
Live Rock (Mass): 60 lbs + 15lbs bullrock
Live Sand (Mass): 6lbs + 30lbs non-live
Lighting (Type | Wattage | Photoperiod): JBJ Formosa, 2 x 65watt daylight (10,000 x 2)+ 2 x actinics
Protein Skimmer (Brand | Model): External hanging with 1400 power head
Biological Filtration (Type): none
Chemical Filtration (Type): carbon
Circulation (Rate | Brand | Model): 404 canister Fluval and 1400 powerhead (skimmer)
pH (Morning | Evening): 8.1 - 8.3
Temperature (Range | oC | oF): 76-78f
Specific Gravity / Salintity (g/g | ppt): 1.023
Alkalinity (meq/l | dKH): don't know
Calcium (ppm): 440 - 480
Ammonia (ppm): 0
Nitrite (ppm): 0
Nitrate (ppm): 20
Phosphate (ppm): don't know
Fish : Powder Blue Tang, Yellow Tang, Marine Beta, 2 yellow cromis, long-nose hawk, 2 male seahorses (6 inches), cleaner wrasse, 4 common clowns, 2 algae eating blennies (1 black, 1 white), female mandarin fish.
Corals : pulse xenia (it released spores yesterday!), 2 sponges, green & red open brain, sun coral, brown gorgonian, red gorgonian, 2 green star polyps, several small colonies of brown tube polyps, 3 colonies of mushrooms, micro/macro algae
Invertebrates : 20ish small hermits, red starfish, 1 cleaner shrimp, 3 algae eating crabs.
Maintenance Program : 20-30% every month and other smaller (10% changes at about 2 weeks)
Additional Information: Lift out seahorses everyday and feed them in separate 1 gallon tank on guppy fry .. they eat 5-10 daily.
Need help with Ich (whitespot) Powder Blue introduced it and can't get rid of it. Greenex didn't work, not trying another medication. Have turned off skimmer and removed carbon for 14 day duration.
Tank Size (LxHxW | Volume): 48x21x18 -72g
Sump Size (LxHxW | Volume): no sump, 404 canister fluval, external protein skimmer, UV Sterilizer taking 1/3 of flow from Canister filter.
Live Rock (Mass): 60 lbs + 15lbs bullrock
Live Sand (Mass): 6lbs + 30lbs non-live
Lighting (Type | Wattage | Photoperiod): JBJ Formosa, 2 x 65watt daylight (10,000 x 2)+ 2 x actinics
Protein Skimmer (Brand | Model): External hanging with 1400 power head
Biological Filtration (Type): none
Chemical Filtration (Type): carbon
Circulation (Rate | Brand | Model): 404 canister Fluval and 1400 powerhead (skimmer)
pH (Morning | Evening): 8.1 - 8.3
Temperature (Range | oC | oF): 76-78f
Specific Gravity / Salintity (g/g | ppt): 1.023
Alkalinity (meq/l | dKH): don't know
Calcium (ppm): 440 - 480
Ammonia (ppm): 0
Nitrite (ppm): 0
Nitrate (ppm): 20
Phosphate (ppm): don't know
Fish : Powder Blue Tang, Yellow Tang, Marine Beta, 2 yellow cromis, long-nose hawk, 2 male seahorses (6 inches), cleaner wrasse, 4 common clowns, 2 algae eating blennies (1 black, 1 white), female mandarin fish.
Corals : pulse xenia (it released spores yesterday!), 2 sponges, green & red open brain, sun coral, brown gorgonian, red gorgonian, 2 green star polyps, several small colonies of brown tube polyps, 3 colonies of mushrooms, micro/macro algae
Invertebrates : 20ish small hermits, red starfish, 1 cleaner shrimp, 3 algae eating crabs.
Maintenance Program : 20-30% every month and other smaller (10% changes at about 2 weeks)
Additional Information: Lift out seahorses everyday and feed them in separate 1 gallon tank on guppy fry .. they eat 5-10 daily.
Need help with Ich (whitespot) Powder Blue introduced it and can't get rid of it. Greenex didn't work, not trying another medication. Have turned off skimmer and removed carbon for 14 day duration.