55 GAL standard, glass top, 3 years old, (converted 6 months to reef tank)
Bak pak 2 protein skimmer/venturi with bio media in 2nd chamber
Deep sand bed mixed sand and crushed coral with plenum 3" ***not too lively there***
Reverse Osmosis/Deionized Water Kent Marine HI-S 3 stages unit for changes (5 gals every other week)/topoff with "reef advantage" alternating with "Reef Builder"
60 lbs live rock (very live)
2 1200-Rios for flow
Air curtain on the back
2 compacts 55 watts+
1 blue actinic 40 watts
1 heater 150 Watts
Temp 79F, sal 1.023, pH 8.2, Nitrites 0
Calcium 450 more or less, Alkalinity ok.
Testkits: Salifert
Additives: SeaChem Reef Plus, Reef Complete, Reef Calcium twice a week
***NITRATES too high, ***PHOSPHATE problem..
No other filtation system. Charcoal Magnum 350 Canister filter available but NOT in use..
3 leathers(Sacropythons), 1 clown anemone (not doing too hot) 3 orange sponges (not happy), 1 goup pulsating Xenias, 1 goup of mushrooms/anemone (great), 1 green brittle star, 3 shrimps, 40 mixed snails and crabs.2 flame scallops (medium happy)
4 damsels, 2 clowns, 2 tangs
Feeding every other day with "Formula 1 and 2" some spirulina shrimps about 3 to 5 mls.
[This message has been edited by freds2001 (edited 09 April 2001).]
Bak pak 2 protein skimmer/venturi with bio media in 2nd chamber
Deep sand bed mixed sand and crushed coral with plenum 3" ***not too lively there***
Reverse Osmosis/Deionized Water Kent Marine HI-S 3 stages unit for changes (5 gals every other week)/topoff with "reef advantage" alternating with "Reef Builder"
60 lbs live rock (very live)
2 1200-Rios for flow
Air curtain on the back
2 compacts 55 watts+
1 blue actinic 40 watts
1 heater 150 Watts
Temp 79F, sal 1.023, pH 8.2, Nitrites 0
Calcium 450 more or less, Alkalinity ok.
Testkits: Salifert
Additives: SeaChem Reef Plus, Reef Complete, Reef Calcium twice a week
***NITRATES too high, ***PHOSPHATE problem..
No other filtation system. Charcoal Magnum 350 Canister filter available but NOT in use..
3 leathers(Sacropythons), 1 clown anemone (not doing too hot) 3 orange sponges (not happy), 1 goup pulsating Xenias, 1 goup of mushrooms/anemone (great), 1 green brittle star, 3 shrimps, 40 mixed snails and crabs.2 flame scallops (medium happy)
4 damsels, 2 clowns, 2 tangs
Feeding every other day with "Formula 1 and 2" some spirulina shrimps about 3 to 5 mls.
[This message has been edited by freds2001 (edited 09 April 2001).]