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Set Up Date :July 2000

Tank Size (LxHxW | Volume): 48x18x12 55 Gallons

Live Rock (Mass): 60 LBS.

Live Sand (Mass): Crushed Coral- 50 LBS.

Lighting (Type | Wattage |Photoperiod): Power Compact- 110 Watt. Actinic Lights 80 Watt

Filtration (Type): 2 Canisters, Undergravel Filter

Circulation (Rate | Brand | Model): 2 Powerheads

pH (Morning | Evening): 8.3

Temperature (Range | oC | oF): 79oF

Specific Gravity / Salintity (g/g | ppt): 1.024

Alkalinity (meq/l | dKH): 6.5

Calcium (ppm): 460

Ammonia (ppm): 0

Nitrite (ppm): 0

Nitrate (ppm): 0

Fish :Yellow,Regal,Purple, & Desjardini Tangs.Domino,Green,Blue Damsels. Percula Clown. Blue-Cheek Goby

Corals : Cup,2 Brains,Bubble,Toadstool Leather,Elegance,Anthelia,Colt,Millipora,Pocillipora, & Candy Cane

Invertebrates :Red Sponge,Snails,Crabs,Feather Dusters,Xenia, Flower Anemone, Carpet Anemone,Button & YellowPolyps, 3 Types of Shrooms, & Blue Starfish

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