Set Up Date : January 1999
Tank Size (LxHxW | Volume): 45 gallon truvu with built in w/d section (tank originally purchased and setup fo 1990)
drilled drain to sump, no media in w/d
Sump Size (LxHxW | Volume): 18 gallon sterilite container with a kent float valve gravity fed for top off, kept about half full
Refugium Size: 15 gallon sea clear tank with drilled drain to sump, supply with hagen 802 in last section of built in w/d on main tank
Live Rock (Mass): 120 lbs premium fiji and marshall islands rock in total system, obtained 'used' for less than $1 / lb through a newspaper ad
Live Sand (Mass): 2-3 inch depth in refugium (carib sea arragonite), 1-2 inch crushed coral and puka shell in main (left over from fo days)
Lighting (Type | Wattage | Photoperiod): on main, 4 x 96 watt vho on an icecap 660, currently 2 uri 50/50, 1 aquasun, and 1 actinic, photperiod from 5pm to 5am
refugium recent (Jan 2000) upgrade to 2 x 55 watt pfo pc retro from 3 x 20 watt no, photoperiod stagered to main approx 8pm to 8am
Protein Skimmer (Brand | Model):
Amiracle hob on main tank in first compartment of built in w/d powered by rio 600 rvt, a compact downdraft knock off added to sump in Aprill 2000, recent upgrade to rio 1700 from an 1100, both skimmers run 24/7, skimmate from amiracle is darker and less quantity than downdraft skimmate that is yellow to brown and more copious
Biological Filtration (Type):
berlin hybrid with LR, LS, skimmer
ocassional cleanining sessions with a magnum 350 cannister, otherwise no mechanical
Chemical Filtration (Type):
ocassional use of black diamond carbon
Circulation (Rate | Brand | Model):
two rio 600 in opposite corners of main tank to circulate behind rock, most circulation provided by return pump
Return Pump (Rate | Brand | Model):
rio 2500 split return to corners of main tank aimed toward front
pH (Morning | Evening):
rarely tested
Temperature (Range | oC | oF):79-81 F
rely on evap cooling and auto topoff
Specific Gravity / Salintity (g/g | ppt): approx 1.025
Alkalinity (meq/l | dKH): rarely tested but maintained with seachem marine buffer and reef builder
Calcium (ppm):
liquid seachem and powdered aragonite in top off water, last test was near 380 ppm
Ammonia (ppm):
never tested
Nitrite (ppm):
never tested
Nitrate (ppm):
tested once, no reading
caulerpa in refugium
Phosphate (ppm):
never tested, ocassionally some red slime in refugium
Fish :has varied over life of reef, some given up for adoption as they grew
as of Jan 2000: 4 inch yellow tang, 3 inch mandarin dagonet, 3 inch orhid dotyback (or purple basslet?), 3 inch lognosed hawkfish, 1.5 inch fiji devil damsel
Corals : has varied over life of reef,
as of Jan 2000: a large and yellow leather (and a couple of frags), 2 medium green sinularia, a medium large capnella (grren colt) and several frags, several red sea xenia, a medium colony of anthelia, 2 colonies of flourescent zooanthids (compliments of Joe Kelley), 2 colonies of yellow polyps, a cream colored finger leather, a colony of red shrooms, a colony of blue and purple shrooms, too many green shrooms to count!
Invertebrates :
large green brittle star hand fed to keep him from eating fish, left handed hermits, large astrea snails, one time siting of a 1 inch rock crab, a cast of thousands of pods, worms, mini starfish, limpits, mini fanworms, cerinth snails, various simple sponges, bristleworms etc
all in refugium, garpe caulerpa, razor/sawblade caulerpa, red dragon's tongue (from Joe Kelley), a few types of halimeda
Maintenance Program :
water change of 10 -15 gallons every 1.5 to 2 months, clean skimmers and check all pumps once a month, clean bulbs of saltcreep, check all electrical and test power interuption
Additional Information :
seachem reefplus about twice a week,
variety of feeds: nori, wardley's total color marine, sf frozen brine, prime reef, ocassional dt's, some experiments with live brine naupili
tank relocated from 3rd floor apartment in Long Beach, CA to first floor of townhome in Costa Mesa, CA September 2000, no loses
[This message has been edited by sharkdude (edited 26 January 2001).]
[This message has been edited by sharkdude (edited 26 January 2001).]
Tank Size (LxHxW | Volume): 45 gallon truvu with built in w/d section (tank originally purchased and setup fo 1990)
drilled drain to sump, no media in w/d
Sump Size (LxHxW | Volume): 18 gallon sterilite container with a kent float valve gravity fed for top off, kept about half full
Refugium Size: 15 gallon sea clear tank with drilled drain to sump, supply with hagen 802 in last section of built in w/d on main tank
Live Rock (Mass): 120 lbs premium fiji and marshall islands rock in total system, obtained 'used' for less than $1 / lb through a newspaper ad
Live Sand (Mass): 2-3 inch depth in refugium (carib sea arragonite), 1-2 inch crushed coral and puka shell in main (left over from fo days)
Lighting (Type | Wattage | Photoperiod): on main, 4 x 96 watt vho on an icecap 660, currently 2 uri 50/50, 1 aquasun, and 1 actinic, photperiod from 5pm to 5am
refugium recent (Jan 2000) upgrade to 2 x 55 watt pfo pc retro from 3 x 20 watt no, photoperiod stagered to main approx 8pm to 8am
Protein Skimmer (Brand | Model):
Amiracle hob on main tank in first compartment of built in w/d powered by rio 600 rvt, a compact downdraft knock off added to sump in Aprill 2000, recent upgrade to rio 1700 from an 1100, both skimmers run 24/7, skimmate from amiracle is darker and less quantity than downdraft skimmate that is yellow to brown and more copious
Biological Filtration (Type):
berlin hybrid with LR, LS, skimmer
ocassional cleanining sessions with a magnum 350 cannister, otherwise no mechanical
Chemical Filtration (Type):
ocassional use of black diamond carbon
Circulation (Rate | Brand | Model):
two rio 600 in opposite corners of main tank to circulate behind rock, most circulation provided by return pump
Return Pump (Rate | Brand | Model):
rio 2500 split return to corners of main tank aimed toward front
pH (Morning | Evening):
rarely tested
Temperature (Range | oC | oF):79-81 F
rely on evap cooling and auto topoff
Specific Gravity / Salintity (g/g | ppt): approx 1.025
Alkalinity (meq/l | dKH): rarely tested but maintained with seachem marine buffer and reef builder
Calcium (ppm):
liquid seachem and powdered aragonite in top off water, last test was near 380 ppm
Ammonia (ppm):
never tested
Nitrite (ppm):
never tested
Nitrate (ppm):
tested once, no reading
caulerpa in refugium
Phosphate (ppm):
never tested, ocassionally some red slime in refugium
Fish :has varied over life of reef, some given up for adoption as they grew
as of Jan 2000: 4 inch yellow tang, 3 inch mandarin dagonet, 3 inch orhid dotyback (or purple basslet?), 3 inch lognosed hawkfish, 1.5 inch fiji devil damsel
Corals : has varied over life of reef,
as of Jan 2000: a large and yellow leather (and a couple of frags), 2 medium green sinularia, a medium large capnella (grren colt) and several frags, several red sea xenia, a medium colony of anthelia, 2 colonies of flourescent zooanthids (compliments of Joe Kelley), 2 colonies of yellow polyps, a cream colored finger leather, a colony of red shrooms, a colony of blue and purple shrooms, too many green shrooms to count!
Invertebrates :
large green brittle star hand fed to keep him from eating fish, left handed hermits, large astrea snails, one time siting of a 1 inch rock crab, a cast of thousands of pods, worms, mini starfish, limpits, mini fanworms, cerinth snails, various simple sponges, bristleworms etc
all in refugium, garpe caulerpa, razor/sawblade caulerpa, red dragon's tongue (from Joe Kelley), a few types of halimeda
Maintenance Program :
water change of 10 -15 gallons every 1.5 to 2 months, clean skimmers and check all pumps once a month, clean bulbs of saltcreep, check all electrical and test power interuption
Additional Information :
seachem reefplus about twice a week,
variety of feeds: nori, wardley's total color marine, sf frozen brine, prime reef, ocassional dt's, some experiments with live brine naupili
tank relocated from 3rd floor apartment in Long Beach, CA to first floor of townhome in Costa Mesa, CA September 2000, no loses

[This message has been edited by sharkdude (edited 26 January 2001).]
[This message has been edited by sharkdude (edited 26 January 2001).]