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Set Up Date: August 1999

Tank Size: 120 Gallon 48"X24"X24"

Sump Size : 30 gallon 36"X14"X18"

Live Rock : 130 lbs. Fiji Live Rock main tank 25 lbs in sump

Live Sand : 6" deep sand bed...is alive now

Lighting : 2 250 watt MH with Blueline E-ballasts + 2 110 watt VHO actinics on IceCap 430 ballast
MH on 10 hour photoperiod
VHO on 12 hour photoperiod

Protein Skimmer : Dual Amiracle Venturi built in sump

Biological Filtration : Live Rock

Chemical Filtration : Activated Carbon

Circulation : 1200 GPH return from sump on constantly with 3 MJ-1200 powerheads on wavemaker

Return Pump : Little Giant MD-4MDQX 1200 GPH

pH (Morning 8.14 | Evening 8.35)

Temperature : 78 F

Specific Gravity : 1.024

Alkalinity(meq/l 3.4

Calcium (450 ppm)

Ammonia (0 ppm)

Nitrite (0 ppm)

Nitrate (0 - 5 ppm)

Phosphate (0 ppm)

Fish : Hippo Tang, Red Sea Purple Tang, Flame Angel, Bicolor Blenny, Long Nose Hawkfish, 6 Green Chromis, Mandarin

Corals : Frogspawn, Green Brain (lobo), Green Star Polyp, 5 different color mushrooms, Trumpet Coral, Red Sea pumping xenia, Yellow Polyps, Blastomussa Wellsi, 3 different Gorgonians, Tongue Coral, Green button polyps, 3 different zooanthids, Finger leather, Ricordia polyps, Clavularia, Brown button polyps, Montipora, Hydnophora, pocillipora

Invertebrates : 2 Cleaner shrimp, 1 red starfish, 30 hermits (different kinds), 30 turbo snails, 20 Nassarius snails

Maintenance Program : 15% water change monthly

Additional Information : everything is controlled by a neptune systems aquacontroller. trace elements added are Kent Marine added daily

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