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Set Up Date: 10/98 (45G) 1/00 (125g)
Tank Size: 125gl
Sump Size: 40g, 4 stages, first stage holds the chiller, water comes from the tank via a 2.5” hose, second the water goes through a lrg sponge, this is also where the protein skimmer 2.5” return is, the sponge reduces the bubbles to @nil, third is where my probes are and a small pump to keep water movement at the surface and forcing any bubbles to the surface, finally the water goes through a piece of blue filter before the pumps pick it up. One pump is for the protein skimmer. One pump is for the tank returning supply.
Live Rock: 250 lbs. Fiji
Live Sand: 150lbs from Fiji lr
Lighting: PC’s: 128 watts: 12 hours. MH: 800 watts: 10 hours.
Incandescent: 60 watts on the moon cycle
Protein Skimmer: ETTS 800 w/70-RLT
Biological Filtration: 250-lbs. rock
Chemical Filtration: Activated Carbon
Circulation: 1 Hagen 802
Return Pump: 55-RLT
Controllers: Aquacontroller 2 Neptune Systems. Controls everything except the return pump. A normally closed spring wound timer interrupts return pump circuit. I set it to 60min when feeding heavy. Once a week
pH: (Morning | Evening): 8.10/8.40
Temperature: 77.9-79 F
Specific Gravity / Salinity: 1.024
Calcium: 400
Ammonia: 0
Nitrite: 0
Nitrate: 0
Maintenance Program: Weekly 10g water changes. @100ml. B-Ionic daily, Additional Ca. weekly as needed to maintain @350-400ppm.
Clean Protein Skimmer Weekly, Clean sponge and change filter weekly. http://communities.msn.com/ReefGarden
Pictures were taken after a move. I gave away so much stuff.
I will add new pics soon

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