Current tanks-
Tank Size : 36"x18"x16", 40g glass.
Sump Size : 28g Rubbermaid tub
Live Rock : Approx 80lb.
Live Sand : Approx 145 lb.
Lighting : 3 36"VHO (2 50/50, 1 actinic on IceCap 660 in DIY wood hood. Photoperiod: 14 hours.
Protein Skimmer : Aqua-C Remora in-sump model
Biological Filtration : LR, LS, macroalgae sump on reverse daylight cycle.
Chemical Filtration : What for?
Circulation : 3 Maxijets, 150 gph ea.; Zoomed powersweep, 100 gph.
Return Pump : Mag5- 500gph @ 0', returned through 1/2" PVC spraybar.
pH : Hovers around 8.30 to 8.45.
Temperature : 82ish°F.
Specific Gravity / Salintity : 1.024ish
Alkalinity, Calcium : Yes. I don't test.
Ammonia, Nitrite, Nitrate, Phosphate : Maybe... I don't test.
Fish : Desjardin tang, yellowtail damsel, clarkii (spawn of Satan) clown.
Corals : toadstool, finger leather, cabbage coral, numerous polyps, orange Pacific Ricordea, too damn many shrooms.
Invertebrates : 4 green bubbletips, squamosa clam, 4 peppermint shrimp, a bazillion bugs in the LS, LR, and macroalgae.
Maintenance Program : Kalk dosed through a Litermeter. Water changes when I remember to, and scraping the glass when it gets cloudy.
Additional Information :
Tank Size : 18"x14"x16", acrylic (CPR MRT).
Sump Size : Sumpless.
Live Rock : Approx 10lb.
Live Sand : 2 pounds of IA super-duper critter sand, 1 bag Geomarine added 9/02/01
Lighting : 27w 6700k PC, 9w actinic PC in CSL acrylic hood. Photoperiod: 14 hours.
Protein Skimmer : Built-in BakPak, Version 1.0 w/ Maxijet, Bio-Bale removed.
Biological Filtration : LR and macroalgae.
Chemical Filtration : What for?
Circulation : return from BakPak, and 2 Microjet 320s.
Return Pump : None.
pH : Above 7.00.
Temperature : 80-83°F.
Specific Gravity / Salintity : 1.024ish
Alkalinity, Calcium : Yes. I don't test.
Ammonia, Nitrite, Nitrate, Phosphate : Maybe... I don't test.
Fish : Yellow watchman goby added 10/13/01.
Corals : A few scattered shrooms, and a red open brain.
Invertebrates : Hitchhiking pistol shrimp, and tons of bugs.
Maintenance Program : B-Ionic for supplementation. Top off with RO/DI every day or two. Water changes when I remember to, and scraping the glass when it gets cloudy.
Additional Information : Desktop tank to keep me amused while I'm at the computer. Gonna be mostly bugs and macros.
This tank is on permanent hold- not enough amperage for the MH in my current apartment-
Tank Size : 72"x18"x18", 100g glass.
Sump Size : 60"x12"x12", approx 35g custom acrylic.
Live Rock : Approx 80lb.
Live Sand : Approx 250.
Lighting : 2 250W Iwasakis & 1 400W German 10,000K on PFO ballasts, 2 6' VHO actinics on IceCap 660 in custom black PFO hood. Photoperiod: actinics- 14 hours, Iwasakis- 12 hours, 400W- 10 hours.
Protein Skimmer : Skimmer? What skimmer?
Biological Filtration : LR, LS, macroalgae sump on reverse daylight cycle.
Chemical Filtration : What for?
Circulation : 2 Max pumps, 600gph ea.; 2 Maxijets, 150 gph ea.; 2 Zoomed powersweeps, 100 gph ea.
Return Pump : Mag12- 1200gph @ 0', returned through standpipe with a tee, and an Ocean Currents rotator/pulser.
pH : Above 7.00.
Temperature : Over 32°F.
Specific Gravity / Salintity : Yes. I don't test.
Alkalinity, Calcium : Yes. I don't test.
Ammonia, Nitrite, Nitrate, Phosphate : Maybe... I don't test.
Fish : Desjardin tang and others to be determined.
Corals : Who knows?
Invertebrates : Who knows?
Maintenance Program : Kalk dosed through a Litermeter. Water changes when I remember to, and scraping the glass when it gets cloudy.
Additional Information : High rock pile on the left sloping down to the bed. Lots of open space.
[ February 15, 2002: Message edited by: Chucker ]</p>
Tank Size : 36"x18"x16", 40g glass.
Sump Size : 28g Rubbermaid tub
Live Rock : Approx 80lb.
Live Sand : Approx 145 lb.
Lighting : 3 36"VHO (2 50/50, 1 actinic on IceCap 660 in DIY wood hood. Photoperiod: 14 hours.
Protein Skimmer : Aqua-C Remora in-sump model
Biological Filtration : LR, LS, macroalgae sump on reverse daylight cycle.
Chemical Filtration : What for?
Circulation : 3 Maxijets, 150 gph ea.; Zoomed powersweep, 100 gph.
Return Pump : Mag5- 500gph @ 0', returned through 1/2" PVC spraybar.
pH : Hovers around 8.30 to 8.45.
Temperature : 82ish°F.
Specific Gravity / Salintity : 1.024ish
Alkalinity, Calcium : Yes. I don't test.
Ammonia, Nitrite, Nitrate, Phosphate : Maybe... I don't test.
Fish : Desjardin tang, yellowtail damsel, clarkii (spawn of Satan) clown.
Corals : toadstool, finger leather, cabbage coral, numerous polyps, orange Pacific Ricordea, too damn many shrooms.
Invertebrates : 4 green bubbletips, squamosa clam, 4 peppermint shrimp, a bazillion bugs in the LS, LR, and macroalgae.
Maintenance Program : Kalk dosed through a Litermeter. Water changes when I remember to, and scraping the glass when it gets cloudy.
Additional Information :
Tank Size : 18"x14"x16", acrylic (CPR MRT).
Sump Size : Sumpless.
Live Rock : Approx 10lb.
Live Sand : 2 pounds of IA super-duper critter sand, 1 bag Geomarine added 9/02/01
Lighting : 27w 6700k PC, 9w actinic PC in CSL acrylic hood. Photoperiod: 14 hours.
Protein Skimmer : Built-in BakPak, Version 1.0 w/ Maxijet, Bio-Bale removed.
Biological Filtration : LR and macroalgae.
Chemical Filtration : What for?
Circulation : return from BakPak, and 2 Microjet 320s.
Return Pump : None.
pH : Above 7.00.
Temperature : 80-83°F.
Specific Gravity / Salintity : 1.024ish
Alkalinity, Calcium : Yes. I don't test.
Ammonia, Nitrite, Nitrate, Phosphate : Maybe... I don't test.
Fish : Yellow watchman goby added 10/13/01.
Corals : A few scattered shrooms, and a red open brain.
Invertebrates : Hitchhiking pistol shrimp, and tons of bugs.
Maintenance Program : B-Ionic for supplementation. Top off with RO/DI every day or two. Water changes when I remember to, and scraping the glass when it gets cloudy.
Additional Information : Desktop tank to keep me amused while I'm at the computer. Gonna be mostly bugs and macros.
This tank is on permanent hold- not enough amperage for the MH in my current apartment-

Tank Size : 72"x18"x18", 100g glass.
Sump Size : 60"x12"x12", approx 35g custom acrylic.
Live Rock : Approx 80lb.
Live Sand : Approx 250.
Lighting : 2 250W Iwasakis & 1 400W German 10,000K on PFO ballasts, 2 6' VHO actinics on IceCap 660 in custom black PFO hood. Photoperiod: actinics- 14 hours, Iwasakis- 12 hours, 400W- 10 hours.
Protein Skimmer : Skimmer? What skimmer?
Biological Filtration : LR, LS, macroalgae sump on reverse daylight cycle.
Chemical Filtration : What for?
Circulation : 2 Max pumps, 600gph ea.; 2 Maxijets, 150 gph ea.; 2 Zoomed powersweeps, 100 gph ea.
Return Pump : Mag12- 1200gph @ 0', returned through standpipe with a tee, and an Ocean Currents rotator/pulser.
pH : Above 7.00.
Temperature : Over 32°F.
Specific Gravity / Salintity : Yes. I don't test.
Alkalinity, Calcium : Yes. I don't test.
Ammonia, Nitrite, Nitrate, Phosphate : Maybe... I don't test.
Fish : Desjardin tang and others to be determined.
Corals : Who knows?
Invertebrates : Who knows?
Maintenance Program : Kalk dosed through a Litermeter. Water changes when I remember to, and scraping the glass when it gets cloudy.
Additional Information : High rock pile on the left sloping down to the bed. Lots of open space.
[ February 15, 2002: Message edited by: Chucker ]</p>