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Tank & Equipment:

<LI>58RR Oceanic tank & stand
<LI>Custom built canopy w/ three 4" fans
<LI>Two, 175w (10k BlueLine) IceCap MH's w/ Spider Light Reflectors
<LI>Two IceCap VHO 95w Actinics
<LI>AquaC EV-150 w/ Mag 7 (in sump)
<LI>Mag 12 (return pump in sump)
<LI>Two Maxi-Jet 900's for in tank circulation.
<LI>Nurce Unit for top off water
<LI>30g Sterilite used as a sump
<LI>1 Visi-Therm 300w heater & 1 Tronic 150w heater (in sump)
<LI>Pinpoint Ph probe (in sump)
<LI>Radio Shack electronic thermometer (in sump)
<LI>Dual chamber calcium reactor (built by George Weber)
<LI>Mag 2 & MJ-600 for the reactor
<LI>5lb Co2 tank


<LI>80lbs of cured Fiji LR from Harbor Aquatics
<LI>4" sandbed of ESV Oolitic
<LI>detritivores from IPSF(LS Activator, Wonder Mud, snails, mini stars, worms, pods, hermits)
<LI>1 large Hawiian Feather Duster
<LI>Two peppermint shrimp
<LI>One Flame Hawk
<LI>One Sally Lightfoot crab

That's it so far, the tank was started beginning of August

[This message has been edited by JG (edited 03 September 2000).]

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