Set Up Date : Current setup- Feb 2000
Tank Size 180 gallons, 6' long
Sump Size 30 gallons
Live Rock 150+ lbs
Live Sand 200 lbs semi-live at first, now seeded.
Lighting 3 x 250W MH (6500k) (1 PM-1030 PM) and 2 x 110W VHO actinic (12 PM- 1130 PM)
Protein Skimmer Turbofloter 1000 in-sump gravity-fed
Biological Filtration LR/LS only
Chemical Filtration Black diamond carbon one week per two months
Circulation 2 x Hagen 802 Powerheads at 400 gph each
Return Pump (Mag 18 (1800 gph at zero head, running about 1300 gph now)
pH evening reading 8.4
Temperature Summer 81-82 F Winter 82-84 F
Specific Gravity / Salintity 36 ppt
Alkalinity no current measurement
Calcium 420+ ppm
Ammonia (ppm):0
Nitrite (ppm):0
Nitrate (ppm):5
Phosphate no current measurement
Fish :1 achilles tang, 1 yellow tang, 3 green chromis, 1 tricolor anthias, 1 blue devil, 1 south sea devil
Corals : finger leathers, colt (young's), bubble, frogspawn, shrooms, et al
Invertebrates :snails, shrimp, flower anemones, clams, hermits, microfauna, et al
Maintenance Program : 5 gallon w/c every week, dose kalk in topoff water
Additional Information : Heavy macroalgae population, heavy feeding
Tank Size 180 gallons, 6' long
Sump Size 30 gallons
Live Rock 150+ lbs
Live Sand 200 lbs semi-live at first, now seeded.
Lighting 3 x 250W MH (6500k) (1 PM-1030 PM) and 2 x 110W VHO actinic (12 PM- 1130 PM)
Protein Skimmer Turbofloter 1000 in-sump gravity-fed
Biological Filtration LR/LS only
Chemical Filtration Black diamond carbon one week per two months
Circulation 2 x Hagen 802 Powerheads at 400 gph each
Return Pump (Mag 18 (1800 gph at zero head, running about 1300 gph now)
pH evening reading 8.4
Temperature Summer 81-82 F Winter 82-84 F
Specific Gravity / Salintity 36 ppt
Alkalinity no current measurement
Calcium 420+ ppm
Ammonia (ppm):0
Nitrite (ppm):0
Nitrate (ppm):5
Phosphate no current measurement
Fish :1 achilles tang, 1 yellow tang, 3 green chromis, 1 tricolor anthias, 1 blue devil, 1 south sea devil
Corals : finger leathers, colt (young's), bubble, frogspawn, shrooms, et al
Invertebrates :snails, shrimp, flower anemones, clams, hermits, microfauna, et al
Maintenance Program : 5 gallon w/c every week, dose kalk in topoff water
Additional Information : Heavy macroalgae population, heavy feeding