Set Up Date : 5/12/00
Tank Size 60Lx30Hx24W |187gal
Sump Size (40Lx14Hx13W | 29gal Berlin Sump from Lifereef
Live Rock 220 lbs uncured Fiji
Live Sand 3" aragonite sand
Lighting 2x250watt 6500K Iwasaki MH ; 1x40watt actinic ; 1x40watt 10,000K fluorescence
Protein Skimmer ETS Gemini 800 w/ Iwaki 55RLT MD pump
Biological Filtration Internal w/d, LR, sand
Chemical Filtration Marineland Carbon (black diamond)
Circulation Iwaki 100RLT
Return Pump N/A
pH 8.0
Temperature 78-81
Specific Gravity / Salintity 1.024
Alkalinity N/A
Calcium 400ppm
Ammonia 0 ppm
Nitrite high ppm at the moment
Nitrate N/A
Phosphate N/A
Fish N/A
Corals N/A
Invertebrates N/A
Maintenance Program Top off with RO/DI maxxima 50gpd. Haven't gotten the routine down yet...just starting out.
Additional Information Will update my spec as I go along but for right now, while I'm curing my rocks, I think I'll keep leather corals and mushrooms mainly with a few reef safe fish.
Tank Size 60Lx30Hx24W |187gal
Sump Size (40Lx14Hx13W | 29gal Berlin Sump from Lifereef
Live Rock 220 lbs uncured Fiji
Live Sand 3" aragonite sand
Lighting 2x250watt 6500K Iwasaki MH ; 1x40watt actinic ; 1x40watt 10,000K fluorescence
Protein Skimmer ETS Gemini 800 w/ Iwaki 55RLT MD pump
Biological Filtration Internal w/d, LR, sand
Chemical Filtration Marineland Carbon (black diamond)
Circulation Iwaki 100RLT
Return Pump N/A
pH 8.0
Temperature 78-81
Specific Gravity / Salintity 1.024
Alkalinity N/A
Calcium 400ppm
Ammonia 0 ppm
Nitrite high ppm at the moment
Nitrate N/A
Phosphate N/A
Fish N/A
Corals N/A
Invertebrates N/A
Maintenance Program Top off with RO/DI maxxima 50gpd. Haven't gotten the routine down yet...just starting out.
Additional Information Will update my spec as I go along but for right now, while I'm curing my rocks, I think I'll keep leather corals and mushrooms mainly with a few reef safe fish.