Set Up Date : 12/99
Tank Size (LxHxW | Volume): 36"x21"x12" | 40 gallons
Sump Size (LxHxW | Volume): Not applicable. No sump at this point in time.
Live Rock (Mass): 44 lbs fiji liverock
Live Sand (Mass): 3" deep live sand bed (2 inches sugar sized aragonite on bottom, 1 inch special grade aragonite on top) -- total weight about 36 lbs. Seeded with various worms, etc. from detritivore kits and a friend's tank. Recently seeded sandbed (8/26/00) with additional 4 lbs of CaribSea Seafloor livesand from Tropicorium's tanks.
Lighting (Type | Wattage | Photoperiod): Upgraded to 250 watts PFO MH w/ Iwasaki 6500K bulb on 9/5/00 plus 2 - 30 watt NO actinics. 12 hours of actinic, 10 hours of MH per day. Cooled by 1 - 65 cfm cooling fan run for 12 hours per day w/ actinic cycle. Total wattage over tank including MH and NO's: 310 watts.
Used to run 4 NO fluorescents - 2 actinic, 1 daylight 6500K, 1 daylight 10,000K | 30 watts/bulb - 120 total watts | 12 hour photoperiod | Bulbs were less than 4 months old as of April 2000.
Protein Skimmer (Brand | Model): Bakpak II protein skimmer. Clean out collection cup 1 to 2 times per week. Clean skimmer 4x per year. Modified with Tetra Luft airpump and 3" CoraLife limewood airstone to skim more efficiently. Recently modified with skimmate orifice so skimmate can run directly to a container behind the tank. Empty every 1-2 weeks. Clean gunk off skimmer cup 1 time per week as the collection cup tends to accumulate solids that are not removed with skimmate orifice.
Biological Filtration (Type): 44 lbs live rock, 38 lbs live sand
Chemical Filtration (Type): None other than what is taken out by skimmer.
Circulation (Rate | Brand | Model): 1 MaxiJet 1200 (293 gph), 2 MaxiJet 900's (230 gph) with a total water turnover of 753 gph. This is not including the RIO pump on my BakPak II mentioned in the Protein Skimmer section.
Return Pump (Rate | Brand | Model): Not applicable.
pH (Morning | Evening): Approx. 8.2
Temperature (Range | oC | oF): 83°F +/- 1°F
Specific Gravity / Salintity (g/g | ppt): 1.025 specific gravity, 35 ppt salinity. I typically like to keep my salinity at around 35 to 38 ppt. It's a little low right now. I use Instant Ocean salt.
Alkalinity (meq/l | dKH): 3.20 meq/l, 9 dKH. I check this every 2 weeks and use Kent Superbuffer dKH to bring the alkalinity back up when it gets below 7.
Calcium (ppm): Do not test this as this tank is primarily a fish only tank. Do drip Kalkwasser for makeup water, though, so the coralline algae is growning nicely. Plan to build a DIY Ca Reactor in the coming months as time and $$ permit. This will take care of both the Ca requirements as well as the alkalinity requirements.
Ammonia (ppm): 0 ppm
Nitrite (ppm): 0 ppm
Nitrate (ppm): 2 ppm
Phosphate (ppm): Do not test...
Fish : 1 yellow tang (3" in length), 2 ocellaris clowns (tank raised), 1 purple firefish. Plan on buying 1 or 2 more fish yet and at this point he/she is undetermined. Feed the fish 1x per day: Formula 1 or Frozen Brine Shrimp or Tropicorium fish food. Feed about 1 tblsp food per day.
Corals : mushrooms, toadstool leather coral, sinularia, anthelia, xenia, various button polyps
Invertebrates : 2 hermit crab, 2 crabs (unidentified - hitchhiked in on the liverock), 1 turbo snail, 8 tiger trocus snails, 2 margarita snails, 38 nassarius snails (had to replace many of them as the mantis shrimp that I eventually caught had approximately 10 for lunch), various tiny stomatella snails, 15 astrea snails, 6 micrograzer snails (small black cone-shaped - most of these have disappeared), and 4 bumblebee snails, 1 queen conch, tons of amphipods and copepods, mini-brittle stars, various peanut and bristle worms.
Maintenance Program : Clean glass once every 1-2 weeks. Also do a 10% water change every month (5 gallons of water per week are changed). Use RO/DI water for all makeup water and waterchange water. Plan to buy a SpectraPure 80 gpd 4 stage RO/DI setup before December 2000. Am currently using RO/DI water from laboratory where I am employed as a research chemist.
Additional Information : Beat a nasty cyano outbreak about 1 month ago. Cyano outbreak lasted about 3 months. Resolved problem by cyphoning cyano mat weekly from substrate where it was localized, doing 5% waterchanges w/ RO/DI water + IO salt, and adding the airstone/airpump mod to my bakpak.
[This message has been edited by LiquidShaneo (edited 10 September 2000).]
[This message has been edited by LiquidShaneo (edited 10 September 2000).]
Tank Size (LxHxW | Volume): 36"x21"x12" | 40 gallons
Sump Size (LxHxW | Volume): Not applicable. No sump at this point in time.
Live Rock (Mass): 44 lbs fiji liverock
Live Sand (Mass): 3" deep live sand bed (2 inches sugar sized aragonite on bottom, 1 inch special grade aragonite on top) -- total weight about 36 lbs. Seeded with various worms, etc. from detritivore kits and a friend's tank. Recently seeded sandbed (8/26/00) with additional 4 lbs of CaribSea Seafloor livesand from Tropicorium's tanks.
Lighting (Type | Wattage | Photoperiod): Upgraded to 250 watts PFO MH w/ Iwasaki 6500K bulb on 9/5/00 plus 2 - 30 watt NO actinics. 12 hours of actinic, 10 hours of MH per day. Cooled by 1 - 65 cfm cooling fan run for 12 hours per day w/ actinic cycle. Total wattage over tank including MH and NO's: 310 watts.
Used to run 4 NO fluorescents - 2 actinic, 1 daylight 6500K, 1 daylight 10,000K | 30 watts/bulb - 120 total watts | 12 hour photoperiod | Bulbs were less than 4 months old as of April 2000.
Protein Skimmer (Brand | Model): Bakpak II protein skimmer. Clean out collection cup 1 to 2 times per week. Clean skimmer 4x per year. Modified with Tetra Luft airpump and 3" CoraLife limewood airstone to skim more efficiently. Recently modified with skimmate orifice so skimmate can run directly to a container behind the tank. Empty every 1-2 weeks. Clean gunk off skimmer cup 1 time per week as the collection cup tends to accumulate solids that are not removed with skimmate orifice.
Biological Filtration (Type): 44 lbs live rock, 38 lbs live sand
Chemical Filtration (Type): None other than what is taken out by skimmer.
Circulation (Rate | Brand | Model): 1 MaxiJet 1200 (293 gph), 2 MaxiJet 900's (230 gph) with a total water turnover of 753 gph. This is not including the RIO pump on my BakPak II mentioned in the Protein Skimmer section.
Return Pump (Rate | Brand | Model): Not applicable.
pH (Morning | Evening): Approx. 8.2
Temperature (Range | oC | oF): 83°F +/- 1°F
Specific Gravity / Salintity (g/g | ppt): 1.025 specific gravity, 35 ppt salinity. I typically like to keep my salinity at around 35 to 38 ppt. It's a little low right now. I use Instant Ocean salt.
Alkalinity (meq/l | dKH): 3.20 meq/l, 9 dKH. I check this every 2 weeks and use Kent Superbuffer dKH to bring the alkalinity back up when it gets below 7.
Calcium (ppm): Do not test this as this tank is primarily a fish only tank. Do drip Kalkwasser for makeup water, though, so the coralline algae is growning nicely. Plan to build a DIY Ca Reactor in the coming months as time and $$ permit. This will take care of both the Ca requirements as well as the alkalinity requirements.
Ammonia (ppm): 0 ppm
Nitrite (ppm): 0 ppm
Nitrate (ppm): 2 ppm
Phosphate (ppm): Do not test...
Fish : 1 yellow tang (3" in length), 2 ocellaris clowns (tank raised), 1 purple firefish. Plan on buying 1 or 2 more fish yet and at this point he/she is undetermined. Feed the fish 1x per day: Formula 1 or Frozen Brine Shrimp or Tropicorium fish food. Feed about 1 tblsp food per day.
Corals : mushrooms, toadstool leather coral, sinularia, anthelia, xenia, various button polyps
Invertebrates : 2 hermit crab, 2 crabs (unidentified - hitchhiked in on the liverock), 1 turbo snail, 8 tiger trocus snails, 2 margarita snails, 38 nassarius snails (had to replace many of them as the mantis shrimp that I eventually caught had approximately 10 for lunch), various tiny stomatella snails, 15 astrea snails, 6 micrograzer snails (small black cone-shaped - most of these have disappeared), and 4 bumblebee snails, 1 queen conch, tons of amphipods and copepods, mini-brittle stars, various peanut and bristle worms.
Maintenance Program : Clean glass once every 1-2 weeks. Also do a 10% water change every month (5 gallons of water per week are changed). Use RO/DI water for all makeup water and waterchange water. Plan to buy a SpectraPure 80 gpd 4 stage RO/DI setup before December 2000. Am currently using RO/DI water from laboratory where I am employed as a research chemist.
Additional Information : Beat a nasty cyano outbreak about 1 month ago. Cyano outbreak lasted about 3 months. Resolved problem by cyphoning cyano mat weekly from substrate where it was localized, doing 5% waterchanges w/ RO/DI water + IO salt, and adding the airstone/airpump mod to my bakpak.
[This message has been edited by LiquidShaneo (edited 10 September 2000).]
[This message has been edited by LiquidShaneo (edited 10 September 2000).]