Startup: Jan 1 2000
Tank Size: 18 ½ x 12 x 12 = 13 gallons total capacity 10 gallons actual because of displacement
Sump Size: built in BacPac 3”x12x12
Live Rock: 15 lbs Fiji in 5 pcs
Substrate: Live: 4” somewhere around 15lbs live from my 55 established 3yrs
Lighting: PC 2x28, 1 67k & 171k photo time is my waking hours Hamilton ABS with one fan
Protein Skimmer: The MRT’s protein skimmer is driven by a Rio 600 with the “Rejuvenation System” modification which mixes air and water before it is drawn through the impeller. Basically a built in bacpac
Biological Filtration: Jaubert
Chemical Filtration: sponge
Circulation: 85 gph Rio 90
Return Pump: none internal cir works via the intake to the skimmer
pH: na
Temperature: 79-83, 50 wat Ebo Jagr
Specific Gravity / Salintity: 1.025
Alkalinity: 10dkh
Calcium: 410ppm
Ammonia: na
Nitrite: na
Nitrate: na
Phosphate: na however I have 0 algae problems
Fish: African wrasse that I wish I could remove due to the size which is to big for the tank 2”
Corals: Pavona cactus, Rugosa Pachyseris (Elephant Skin) , 2 Scolymia Australis (Meat corals), 2 types of Caulastrea furcata 3 types of Zoanthid polyps, 2 types of Porites sp., Alcyonium sp. (Cauliflower Soft Coral) and various mushrooms
Invertebrates: 3 types of snails Nasaris, Cerith, and Mexican turbo 4 blue leg hermits, 1 Percnon planissimum (sally lightfoot), 2 colors of sponges bright yellow and white, 1 small green feather duster, Lysmata wurdemanni (peppermint shrimp), 1 Ophiothrix purpurea (brittle star) ohh and at least 4 different types of worms
Maintenance Program: dose 4 ml reef complete 2 times a week, 2 ml Kent iodine, Formula 1 flake everyday and ½ cup of cryo paste phytoplankton 2 times a week or whenever feels good. Due to the full tank cover evaporation is limited to around 2-5 cups every 3 days. I also empty the skimmer and wipe the glass when needed.
Additional Information: When I setup this tank I used every thing, except the livestock, from my 55 including the water!! I truly had coralline algae within 2 weeks!! One of the primary keys to success with such a low overall wattage I believe is the fact that the light only travels through 9 inches of water before it comes in contact with the bottom of the tank. Moreover, the sandbed actually crawls with live. I still have a hard time believing the success I’ve had with this tank if I could only obtain these results in my larger tank.
Knowledge is Given by God and Abused by ignorant Men
Tank Size: 18 ½ x 12 x 12 = 13 gallons total capacity 10 gallons actual because of displacement
Sump Size: built in BacPac 3”x12x12
Live Rock: 15 lbs Fiji in 5 pcs
Substrate: Live: 4” somewhere around 15lbs live from my 55 established 3yrs
Lighting: PC 2x28, 1 67k & 171k photo time is my waking hours Hamilton ABS with one fan
Protein Skimmer: The MRT’s protein skimmer is driven by a Rio 600 with the “Rejuvenation System” modification which mixes air and water before it is drawn through the impeller. Basically a built in bacpac
Biological Filtration: Jaubert
Chemical Filtration: sponge
Circulation: 85 gph Rio 90
Return Pump: none internal cir works via the intake to the skimmer
pH: na
Temperature: 79-83, 50 wat Ebo Jagr
Specific Gravity / Salintity: 1.025
Alkalinity: 10dkh
Calcium: 410ppm
Ammonia: na
Nitrite: na
Nitrate: na
Phosphate: na however I have 0 algae problems
Fish: African wrasse that I wish I could remove due to the size which is to big for the tank 2”
Corals: Pavona cactus, Rugosa Pachyseris (Elephant Skin) , 2 Scolymia Australis (Meat corals), 2 types of Caulastrea furcata 3 types of Zoanthid polyps, 2 types of Porites sp., Alcyonium sp. (Cauliflower Soft Coral) and various mushrooms
Invertebrates: 3 types of snails Nasaris, Cerith, and Mexican turbo 4 blue leg hermits, 1 Percnon planissimum (sally lightfoot), 2 colors of sponges bright yellow and white, 1 small green feather duster, Lysmata wurdemanni (peppermint shrimp), 1 Ophiothrix purpurea (brittle star) ohh and at least 4 different types of worms
Maintenance Program: dose 4 ml reef complete 2 times a week, 2 ml Kent iodine, Formula 1 flake everyday and ½ cup of cryo paste phytoplankton 2 times a week or whenever feels good. Due to the full tank cover evaporation is limited to around 2-5 cups every 3 days. I also empty the skimmer and wipe the glass when needed.
Additional Information: When I setup this tank I used every thing, except the livestock, from my 55 including the water!! I truly had coralline algae within 2 weeks!! One of the primary keys to success with such a low overall wattage I believe is the fact that the light only travels through 9 inches of water before it comes in contact with the bottom of the tank. Moreover, the sandbed actually crawls with live. I still have a hard time believing the success I’ve had with this tank if I could only obtain these results in my larger tank.
Knowledge is Given by God and Abused by ignorant Men