On Jan. 17th 2000, I set up a 125 gallon reef by combining a 75 gallon partial reef and a 75 gallon FOWLR.
The substrate level is 4-5 inches of reef sand.
I have 174 lbs. Live Rock.
A 20 gallon sump contains a Turboflotor 1000 skimmer. 2 heaters in different sections, and the return pump.
There are 5 powerheads giving me a turnaround of about 1660 g.p.h. (not including sump return)
Lights consist of:
3- 175w 6500k Metal Halide
2- 96w power compact actinics
cooled by 2- 3" fans
(MH lights run 11 hrs, with PC's running 13hrs)
flame angel
yellow tang
sailfin tang
2 humbug damsel
domino damsel
2 hippo tangs (currently <2" each)
2 turbo snails
4 astria snails
6-8 hermit crabs
Toadstool Leather
Hairy mushrooms
Purple mushrooms
2 lg. feather dusters
Trumpet coral
Green Open Brain
Brown Moon
Sun coral
Kenya Tree
Green Button Polyps
Orange Sea Mat
Blue Sea Mat
Orange Finger Gorgonian
Torch coral
Chili Coral
small (but growing) piece of what is beleived to be Frilly Cactus
And a good amount of feather caulerpa.
I change out 10 gal. of water every 2 weeks, using DI water that has been mixed, circulated and heated for a week prior.
My water prams are...
Temp 79-80
pH 8.0
Ammonia 0
Nitrites 0
Nitrates 0
Phosphates .5
Alkalinity 9 dKH
Calcium 350+
S.G. 1.0235
I drip kaklwasser for my makeup water.
[This message has been edited by Marta (edited 15 March 2000).]
The substrate level is 4-5 inches of reef sand.
I have 174 lbs. Live Rock.
A 20 gallon sump contains a Turboflotor 1000 skimmer. 2 heaters in different sections, and the return pump.
There are 5 powerheads giving me a turnaround of about 1660 g.p.h. (not including sump return)
Lights consist of:
3- 175w 6500k Metal Halide
2- 96w power compact actinics
cooled by 2- 3" fans
(MH lights run 11 hrs, with PC's running 13hrs)
flame angel
yellow tang
sailfin tang
2 humbug damsel
domino damsel
2 hippo tangs (currently <2" each)
2 turbo snails
4 astria snails
6-8 hermit crabs
Toadstool Leather
Hairy mushrooms
Purple mushrooms
2 lg. feather dusters
Trumpet coral
Green Open Brain
Brown Moon
Sun coral
Kenya Tree
Green Button Polyps
Orange Sea Mat
Blue Sea Mat
Orange Finger Gorgonian
Torch coral
Chili Coral
small (but growing) piece of what is beleived to be Frilly Cactus
And a good amount of feather caulerpa.
I change out 10 gal. of water every 2 weeks, using DI water that has been mixed, circulated and heated for a week prior.
My water prams are...
Temp 79-80
pH 8.0
Ammonia 0
Nitrites 0
Nitrates 0
Phosphates .5
Alkalinity 9 dKH
Calcium 350+
S.G. 1.0235
I drip kaklwasser for my makeup water.

[This message has been edited by Marta (edited 15 March 2000).]