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180 gal "All Glass" with dual corner overflows to 40 gal sump in basement.

35 gal in-line Refugia

Iwaki 70 MD RLT return pump, 1 Aquaclear powerhead for circulation and a Rio 2100 connected to bottom diffuser bar.

3 250 Watt 10000K Aqualine Buschke MH using PFO conventionsl ballasts, and 2 110 Watt VHO actinic, on ice-cap electronic ballasts.
15 watt moon simulator ,all lights on timers by Neptune Controller. 10 hours/day. Refugia on reverse lighting cycle using 5500K mercury vapor ($28.00 Home Depot).

Approx 160# Figi rock, 4 inches mixed gradation Aragonite sand, over 1 inch plenum.

One Venturi style skimmer 30" tall.

Calcium = 420 ppm using Korralin Reactor
Temp = 81 - 82 F
Specific Gravity = 1.025
pH = 8.1 am to 8.35 pm
Alk = 2.2 - 2.7 meq/l
NO3 and PO4 = 0
ORP = 425

Maintenance Program:
Top off with Kaulkwasser (Kent) and RO water using Litre Meter dosing pump.

Water changes with Instant Ocean Salt and straight well water (40 gal/month).Well water is very hard and contains lots of iron.

Occaissional use of carbon, Clean skimmer often, feed twice daily cubes and flakes.

Livestock:Main Tank
Approx 20 Mixed hard LPS and SPS and soft corals. Good variety of species and sizes; mushrooms,hermits and astrea snails; some green crabs and urchins.

3 percula clowns, 9 green chromis, 1 blue tang, 1 flame angel.

Livestock: Refugia
5 lbs live rock, 2 inches Aragonite very fine sand, no plenum, mixed calcareous and soft green macro algaes. Constant flow from return with overflow to sump. New - no critters yet!

[This message has been edited by Chaetodon (edited 07 March 2000).]

[This message has been edited by Chaetodon (edited 20 March 2000).]

[This message has been edited by Chaetodon (edited 04 April 2000).]

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