Set Up Date
ct 13 1995
Tank Size :120 gallons
Sump Size :75 gallons, 1 cpr150 overflow 1600gal/hr turnover rate.
Live Rock :125lbs of caribbean
Live Sand :100lbs of live sand from Miami,100lbs of crushed Hawaiian shells.
Lighting :2 400w 6500k iwaski's mh's, 2 110w superactinic vho's, 2 110w aquasuns vho's.
Protein Skimmer :MTC, 48" Venturi counter current.
Biological Filtration :
Chemical Filtration :2 cups of research grade carbon via aquaclear 500. Changed about once per month.
Circulation :4 mj1000 maxijets controled by a blueline wavemaker. 1" Sea Swirl.
Return Pump :MD 100rlt iwaki, sent into a y valve and then through a 1" SeaSwirl and 1" return line.
ph :8.3morning to 8.5evening
Temperature :78 to 80 5oow titanium heater and a 1/4 drop in style chiller
Specific Gravity / Salinity :1.024
Alkalinity :12 dkh
Calcium :haven't measured it lately but it was somewhere around 450ppm, MTC ProCal reactor; dual chamber with a 15lb bottle of co2.
Ammonia :
Nitrite :
Nitrate :last checked in 1997 and was zero.
Phosphate :
Fish :1 purple tang,1 lemon peal,1 percula clown, 1 jap wraspe, 1 pigmy angel, 2 bar gobeys.
Corals :1 pink Pocillopora, 1 large elegance, 2 green stylo's, 1 red stylo, 1 green seriotopora, 1 green torch, 1 orange montiopora, 1 flat purple montiopora, 1 purple branch montiopora, 1 green capricornis, 1 orange capricornis, 2 pavona's, 1 turbina, 11 various types of acro's, 2 porites, 2 purple soft coral(not sure of species), 1 yellow soft coral of same species as the purple. 5 Maxima's of all ultra quality. 2 turbastae's, 1 sm green octabubble, 1 yellow montiopora, 1 purple goniopora, 2 red goniopora's, 2 branching yellow goniopora's, 1 short tip green and purple tip plate coral, various frags of above coral's to be given to friends when big enough.
Invertebrates : 2 clown shrimp, 2 cleaner shrimp, 1 ghost shrimp. 10 bristle stars of various types , 15 emerald crabs, 100 small algae eating crabs, 2 algae eating nutibrachs,75 to 100 tiger turbo's and turbo's.
Maintenance Program : what ever is needed, 4 gal/wk water change
Additional Information : water filter by 50gpd kent r/o then sent through a tap water purifier. In feb of 2000 I put a double pass 15w uv by corallife. Have been feeding tank now with Rotifers, Golden pearls, Tahitian blend paste, and a blend of home made ground fish and other goodie's.
[This message has been edited by wildbill (edited 06 March 2000).]
[This message has been edited by wildbill (edited 07 March 2000).]
[This message has been edited by wildbill (edited 07 March 2000).]
[This message has been edited by wildbill (edited 15 March 2000).]
[This message has been edited by wildbill (edited 10 April 2000).]
[This message has been edited by wildbill (edited 22 January 2001).]

Tank Size :120 gallons
Sump Size :75 gallons, 1 cpr150 overflow 1600gal/hr turnover rate.
Live Rock :125lbs of caribbean
Live Sand :100lbs of live sand from Miami,100lbs of crushed Hawaiian shells.
Lighting :2 400w 6500k iwaski's mh's, 2 110w superactinic vho's, 2 110w aquasuns vho's.
Protein Skimmer :MTC, 48" Venturi counter current.
Biological Filtration :
Chemical Filtration :2 cups of research grade carbon via aquaclear 500. Changed about once per month.
Circulation :4 mj1000 maxijets controled by a blueline wavemaker. 1" Sea Swirl.
Return Pump :MD 100rlt iwaki, sent into a y valve and then through a 1" SeaSwirl and 1" return line.
ph :8.3morning to 8.5evening
Temperature :78 to 80 5oow titanium heater and a 1/4 drop in style chiller
Specific Gravity / Salinity :1.024
Alkalinity :12 dkh
Calcium :haven't measured it lately but it was somewhere around 450ppm, MTC ProCal reactor; dual chamber with a 15lb bottle of co2.
Ammonia :
Nitrite :
Nitrate :last checked in 1997 and was zero.
Phosphate :
Fish :1 purple tang,1 lemon peal,1 percula clown, 1 jap wraspe, 1 pigmy angel, 2 bar gobeys.
Corals :1 pink Pocillopora, 1 large elegance, 2 green stylo's, 1 red stylo, 1 green seriotopora, 1 green torch, 1 orange montiopora, 1 flat purple montiopora, 1 purple branch montiopora, 1 green capricornis, 1 orange capricornis, 2 pavona's, 1 turbina, 11 various types of acro's, 2 porites, 2 purple soft coral(not sure of species), 1 yellow soft coral of same species as the purple. 5 Maxima's of all ultra quality. 2 turbastae's, 1 sm green octabubble, 1 yellow montiopora, 1 purple goniopora, 2 red goniopora's, 2 branching yellow goniopora's, 1 short tip green and purple tip plate coral, various frags of above coral's to be given to friends when big enough.
Invertebrates : 2 clown shrimp, 2 cleaner shrimp, 1 ghost shrimp. 10 bristle stars of various types , 15 emerald crabs, 100 small algae eating crabs, 2 algae eating nutibrachs,75 to 100 tiger turbo's and turbo's.
Maintenance Program : what ever is needed, 4 gal/wk water change
Additional Information : water filter by 50gpd kent r/o then sent through a tap water purifier. In feb of 2000 I put a double pass 15w uv by corallife. Have been feeding tank now with Rotifers, Golden pearls, Tahitian blend paste, and a blend of home made ground fish and other goodie's.
[This message has been edited by wildbill (edited 06 March 2000).]
[This message has been edited by wildbill (edited 07 March 2000).]
[This message has been edited by wildbill (edited 07 March 2000).]
[This message has been edited by wildbill (edited 15 March 2000).]
[This message has been edited by wildbill (edited 10 April 2000).]
[This message has been edited by wildbill (edited 22 January 2001).]