Set Up Date :
75-jan 99, 20-dec 99, 10-sept 99
Tank Size (LxHxW | Volume):
20G(24x16x12) 10G(20x10x10)
Sump Size (LxHxW | Volume):
75 and 20g share same 29g sump.
10g-no sump..yet
Live Rock (Mass):
75g =100-120#
20g = 20-30#
10g = 18#
Live Sand (Mass):
3" in 75 and 20, 2" in 10
Lighting (Type | Wattage | Photoperiod):
75g- 4 110w URI VHO(2 50/50, 2 acintic) and 2 40watt acintic.
20g- 175MH(5.5k, going to 6.5 or 10k soon) and 2 20watt acintics.
10g- 2-28watt PC's 1-6.7k 1-7.1k
Protein Skimmer (Brand | Model):
75 and 20- DIY downdraft(damn good skimmer)
10g- crapy coralife skimmer in HOB filter.
Biological Filtration (Type):
LR and LS in all tanks
Chemical Filtration (Type):
small baggie of carbon in all tank, 24/7
Circulation (Rate | Brand | Model):
75g - 2 300gph powerheads on wavemaker
20g - 1 MJ1200 in tank for extra kick.
10g - 200gph HOB filter and MJ600.
Return Pump (Rate | Brand | Model):
75g- 2 rio2100's
20g- 1 MJ1200
pH (Morning | Evening):8.1-8.2 all tanks
Temperature (Range | oC | oF):
80-82f all tanks
Specific Gravity / Salintity (g/g | ppt):
1.025-1.026 all tanks
Alkalinity (meq/l | dKH):
3-4 meq/l all tanks
Calcium (ppm):
460-480ppm all tanks
Ammonia (ppm):0ppm
Nitrite (ppm):0ppm
Nitrate (ppm):0ppm
Phosphate (ppm):n/t
Fish :
75- yellow tang, yellow watchman gobie, 2 damsels, 1 percula clown
20- 1 fire fish
10- 1 royal gramma
Corals :
75- finger leather, colt, toadstool leather, shrooms, zooanthids, button polyps, swollen brain, frogspawn, elegance, xenia, orange montipora, anthelia etc
20g- orange montipoa, purple acropora, blue maxima clam, xenia, anthelia
10g- xenia, zooanthids, star polyps, small toadstool leather, shrooms
Invertebrates :various shrimps and crabs in all tanks ..
75-2 cleaner shrimp, small # of hermits
20-hitch hiker hermits
10g-green emerald crab, 14 blue leg hermits
Maintenance Program
ccasional 5% water change on the 75/20 system(every month or 2), montly 20% on 10g
Additional Information
the 75 and 20 share the same sump, hence the same water. The 75 is meant mainly for softies and lps, while the 20 will be mainly for clams and sps.
the 10g is just a small office tank
75-jan 99, 20-dec 99, 10-sept 99
Tank Size (LxHxW | Volume):

Sump Size (LxHxW | Volume):
75 and 20g share same 29g sump.
10g-no sump..yet
Live Rock (Mass):
75g =100-120#
20g = 20-30#
10g = 18#
Live Sand (Mass):
3" in 75 and 20, 2" in 10
Lighting (Type | Wattage | Photoperiod):
75g- 4 110w URI VHO(2 50/50, 2 acintic) and 2 40watt acintic.
20g- 175MH(5.5k, going to 6.5 or 10k soon) and 2 20watt acintics.
10g- 2-28watt PC's 1-6.7k 1-7.1k
Protein Skimmer (Brand | Model):
75 and 20- DIY downdraft(damn good skimmer)
10g- crapy coralife skimmer in HOB filter.
Biological Filtration (Type):
LR and LS in all tanks
Chemical Filtration (Type):
small baggie of carbon in all tank, 24/7
Circulation (Rate | Brand | Model):
75g - 2 300gph powerheads on wavemaker
20g - 1 MJ1200 in tank for extra kick.
10g - 200gph HOB filter and MJ600.
Return Pump (Rate | Brand | Model):
75g- 2 rio2100's
20g- 1 MJ1200
pH (Morning | Evening):8.1-8.2 all tanks
Temperature (Range | oC | oF):
80-82f all tanks
Specific Gravity / Salintity (g/g | ppt):
1.025-1.026 all tanks
Alkalinity (meq/l | dKH):
3-4 meq/l all tanks
Calcium (ppm):
460-480ppm all tanks
Ammonia (ppm):0ppm
Nitrite (ppm):0ppm
Nitrate (ppm):0ppm
Phosphate (ppm):n/t
Fish :
75- yellow tang, yellow watchman gobie, 2 damsels, 1 percula clown
20- 1 fire fish
10- 1 royal gramma
Corals :
75- finger leather, colt, toadstool leather, shrooms, zooanthids, button polyps, swollen brain, frogspawn, elegance, xenia, orange montipora, anthelia etc
20g- orange montipoa, purple acropora, blue maxima clam, xenia, anthelia
10g- xenia, zooanthids, star polyps, small toadstool leather, shrooms
Invertebrates :various shrimps and crabs in all tanks ..
75-2 cleaner shrimp, small # of hermits
20-hitch hiker hermits
10g-green emerald crab, 14 blue leg hermits
Maintenance Program

Additional Information
the 75 and 20 share the same sump, hence the same water. The 75 is meant mainly for softies and lps, while the 20 will be mainly for clams and sps.
the 10g is just a small office tank