Set Up Date :23/08/1998
Tank Size :48"X48"X24" | 240g
Sump Size :40"X30"X24" | 124g
Live Rock :120kg
Live Sand :NIL
Lighting (Type | Wattage | Photoperiod):
1. MH | 1X400W Iwasaki | 8 hours
2. MH | 2X400W GE 6000K | 8 hours
3. VHO | 2X95W actinic + 1X95W 50/50 | on and off various times of the day, as well as for dawn and dusk.
Protein Skimmer :Aquamedic Turboflotor 1000
Biological Filtration :NIL
Chemical Filtration
cassional carbon, if I remember
Circulation (Rate | Brand | Model):
1 Sen 900 on full-time,
2 Otto 2000 on full-time
1 Otto 2000 + 1 Aquaclear 800 on separate 15 minute timers
3 Aquaclear 400 + 1 Aquclear 400 on a variable 4-way-output sequential timer
Return Pump : 2 X Eheim 1060
pH : 7.9 | 8.2
Temperature :26-28 oC
Specific Gravity / Salintity:1.024
Alkalinity dKH 12
Calcium (ppm):480
Ammonia (ppm):0
Nitrite (ppm):0
Nitrate (ppm):3
Phosphate (ppm):.02
Fish : 2.5" yellow tang, 3" pacific sailfin, 2" 6-line wrasse, 3" algae blenny, 2" pixey hawk, 2 X 1.5" green chromis
Corals :
Softs - 1 Sarcophyton ehrenbergi, shrooms - Discosoma, Rhodactis and Ricordea, zoanthids, star polyps (green & purple), yellow polyps.
1 blue coral (Heliopora)
LPS - 1 open brain, 2 Turbinaria peltata, 1 Turb. mesenterina, 1 Favia favus that's putting out a polyp ball, 1 Montastrea, 2 Platygyra, 1 red Goniopora (yea, I know), 2 fox coral, 1 Lobophyllia recovering from death throes, 1 Galaxy.
SPS - 1 Acro selago, 1 Acro cytherea, lots of Acro microphthalma, 1 Acro formosa, 1 Acro (like Stuber's), several Porites lobata, 1 with Christmas tree worms, 5 Montipora digitata
Invertebrates : 3 regular cleaners, 1 CB shrimp, 40 adult Trochus snails + 20 babies, 10 Nerite snails, 3 Turbo snails, 10 assorted hermits picked from the tide pools, 2 coco(?) worms, 4 adult featherdusters with 2 million babies, hitch-hiker reef crabs, couple of mini (1") mantis, couple of tiny white starfish.
Maintenance Program :
Water change 1% every 2 weeks, if I remember.
dose with iodine twice a week, strontium once a week, Vital Gold every alternate day.
Skimmer cup cleaned out every 3 days
Additional Information :
I'm in the tropics so a chiller is really important. I've bought a 1hp unit, but haven't installed it yet, so I'm running the 2hp AC for the tank.
Topoff is with unfiltered but dechlorinated tap water, using a water level sensor.
Ca reactor - K2R.
The MH hoods are fixed to a custom-made wooden canopy that's suspended by plastic chains from the ceiling.
Most of the SPS were collected locally, except for the one that looks like a Stuber's - this one was bought from an LFS - he's closed shop now, so we longer have any suppliers locally
Tank Size :48"X48"X24" | 240g
Sump Size :40"X30"X24" | 124g
Live Rock :120kg
Live Sand :NIL
Lighting (Type | Wattage | Photoperiod):
1. MH | 1X400W Iwasaki | 8 hours
2. MH | 2X400W GE 6000K | 8 hours
3. VHO | 2X95W actinic + 1X95W 50/50 | on and off various times of the day, as well as for dawn and dusk.
Protein Skimmer :Aquamedic Turboflotor 1000
Biological Filtration :NIL
Chemical Filtration

Circulation (Rate | Brand | Model):
1 Sen 900 on full-time,
2 Otto 2000 on full-time
1 Otto 2000 + 1 Aquaclear 800 on separate 15 minute timers
3 Aquaclear 400 + 1 Aquclear 400 on a variable 4-way-output sequential timer
Return Pump : 2 X Eheim 1060
pH : 7.9 | 8.2
Temperature :26-28 oC
Specific Gravity / Salintity:1.024
Alkalinity dKH 12
Calcium (ppm):480
Ammonia (ppm):0
Nitrite (ppm):0
Nitrate (ppm):3
Phosphate (ppm):.02
Fish : 2.5" yellow tang, 3" pacific sailfin, 2" 6-line wrasse, 3" algae blenny, 2" pixey hawk, 2 X 1.5" green chromis
Corals :
Softs - 1 Sarcophyton ehrenbergi, shrooms - Discosoma, Rhodactis and Ricordea, zoanthids, star polyps (green & purple), yellow polyps.
1 blue coral (Heliopora)
LPS - 1 open brain, 2 Turbinaria peltata, 1 Turb. mesenterina, 1 Favia favus that's putting out a polyp ball, 1 Montastrea, 2 Platygyra, 1 red Goniopora (yea, I know), 2 fox coral, 1 Lobophyllia recovering from death throes, 1 Galaxy.
SPS - 1 Acro selago, 1 Acro cytherea, lots of Acro microphthalma, 1 Acro formosa, 1 Acro (like Stuber's), several Porites lobata, 1 with Christmas tree worms, 5 Montipora digitata
Invertebrates : 3 regular cleaners, 1 CB shrimp, 40 adult Trochus snails + 20 babies, 10 Nerite snails, 3 Turbo snails, 10 assorted hermits picked from the tide pools, 2 coco(?) worms, 4 adult featherdusters with 2 million babies, hitch-hiker reef crabs, couple of mini (1") mantis, couple of tiny white starfish.
Maintenance Program :
Water change 1% every 2 weeks, if I remember.
dose with iodine twice a week, strontium once a week, Vital Gold every alternate day.
Skimmer cup cleaned out every 3 days
Additional Information :
I'm in the tropics so a chiller is really important. I've bought a 1hp unit, but haven't installed it yet, so I'm running the 2hp AC for the tank.
Topoff is with unfiltered but dechlorinated tap water, using a water level sensor.
Ca reactor - K2R.
The MH hoods are fixed to a custom-made wooden canopy that's suspended by plastic chains from the ceiling.
Most of the SPS were collected locally, except for the one that looks like a Stuber's - this one was bought from an LFS - he's closed shop now, so we longer have any suppliers locally