Set Up Date : Initialy set up Dallas Texas 1994,Moved and re-set up Tampa Fl March 1999
Tank Size (LxHxW | Volume):120 gallons 48x24x24
Sump Size (LxHxW | Volume): ?,somewhere around 20 gallons
Live Rock (Mass): Mix,Florida(60 lbs),Fiji(100lbs) and Tongan branch(30 lbs)
Live Sand (Mass):Recent addition,prior had bare bottom tank. 100lbs
no plenum
Lighting (Type | Wattage |VHO-440 watts,2 50/50,1 actinic,1 white Photoperiod):10 hrs
Protein Skimmer (Brand | Model):Tunze,230
Biological Filtration (Type):n/a
Chemical Filtration (Type):Chemipure in sump.Change per instructions
Circulation (Rate | Brand | Model):2 Tunze Turbelle
Return Pump (Rate | Brand | Model):Quite one. 2 returns
pH (Morning | Evening)
eaks about 8.2
Temperature (Range | oC | oF):80-82 winter 82-84 summer,I refuse a chiller and have had no negatives associated with these temps.(over 5 years)
Specific Gravity / Salintity (g/g | ppt):1.22-1.23
Alkalinity (meq/l | dKH) :Over 3meq
Calcium (ppm):Never measure. calcarous algae is plating.Whats the use.
Ammonia (ppm):0
Nitrite (ppm):0
Nitrate (ppm):0(down since adding sand)
Phosphate (ppm)
ont test
Fish :Yellow headed Jaw,3 green chromis,Yellow Tang,
Corals :Common names.Hammer,Elegance,Green Frogspawn, Brown Frogspawn,Tongue,Cats eye,Pinapple,open brain(10 years in 4 different tanks),Tooth,3 different clams,Colt,Misc polops and mushrooms. This is all that came with me.(my babies)will prob look at more later this year.
Invertebrates :2 brittles,approx 10 blue legs,3-4 turbo's,
Maintenance Program :15% water change every month,additives via dosing pump with make up water. Loose 5 gallons every 4 days to evaporation. Alternate Kalk&Iodine ,Kent Super buffer dkh and Turbo strontium.
Additional Information :
[This message has been edited by bmack (edited 02 March 2000).]
Tank Size (LxHxW | Volume):120 gallons 48x24x24
Sump Size (LxHxW | Volume): ?,somewhere around 20 gallons
Live Rock (Mass): Mix,Florida(60 lbs),Fiji(100lbs) and Tongan branch(30 lbs)
Live Sand (Mass):Recent addition,prior had bare bottom tank. 100lbs
no plenum
Lighting (Type | Wattage |VHO-440 watts,2 50/50,1 actinic,1 white Photoperiod):10 hrs
Protein Skimmer (Brand | Model):Tunze,230
Biological Filtration (Type):n/a
Chemical Filtration (Type):Chemipure in sump.Change per instructions
Circulation (Rate | Brand | Model):2 Tunze Turbelle
Return Pump (Rate | Brand | Model):Quite one. 2 returns
pH (Morning | Evening)
Temperature (Range | oC | oF):80-82 winter 82-84 summer,I refuse a chiller and have had no negatives associated with these temps.(over 5 years)
Specific Gravity / Salintity (g/g | ppt):1.22-1.23
Alkalinity (meq/l | dKH) :Over 3meq
Calcium (ppm):Never measure. calcarous algae is plating.Whats the use.
Ammonia (ppm):0
Nitrite (ppm):0
Nitrate (ppm):0(down since adding sand)
Phosphate (ppm)
Fish :Yellow headed Jaw,3 green chromis,Yellow Tang,
Corals :Common names.Hammer,Elegance,Green Frogspawn, Brown Frogspawn,Tongue,Cats eye,Pinapple,open brain(10 years in 4 different tanks),Tooth,3 different clams,Colt,Misc polops and mushrooms. This is all that came with me.(my babies)will prob look at more later this year.
Invertebrates :2 brittles,approx 10 blue legs,3-4 turbo's,
Maintenance Program :15% water change every month,additives via dosing pump with make up water. Loose 5 gallons every 4 days to evaporation. Alternate Kalk&Iodine ,Kent Super buffer dkh and Turbo strontium.
Additional Information :
[This message has been edited by bmack (edited 02 March 2000).]