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Set Up Date: April 1994

Tank Size: 48x18x24 90G AGA (Soon to be 180)

Sump Size: (2) 15g rubbermaid vats

Live Rock: 180lb Florida, 60lb Fiji

Live Sand: None

Lighting: (6) 110W VHO - 3ACT, (2)10K, (1) 50/50. (1) Act and 50/50 on 12 hrs, remaining on for 9 hrs. Previously (2) 175Halide / (2) 40W Actinic (94'-98')

Protein Skimmer: Bullet 2 with SEN900

Biological Filtration:

Chemical Filtration: Continuous GAC

Circulation: (2) OTTO 2000, (2) Hagen 350

Return Pump: EHEIM 1060, LG 2MDSC

pH: 8.30/8.35

Temperature: 78 Continuous

Specific Gravity: 1.022

Alkalinity: 8.5 dKh

Calcium: 375-390

Ammonia: 0

Nitrite: 0

Nitrate: 1.0

Phosphate: <.05

Fish: Sohal Tang, Purple Tang, Desjardini Tang, Chevron tang, 3-Stripe Damsel, Skunk Back Pseudo

Corals: Hammer, torch, turbinaria (cup and pillar), yellow fiji leather, neon finger, many leathers (sarcophyton mother + 18 offspring), yellow finger, xenia (1 stalk, 1 encrusting colony), Anthelia colony, star polyps, blue, purple, red mushrooms, rhodactus sp, yellow polyps, various zoanthus sp, Bubble Coral, Pink Birdnest, Green Acro, Yellow Scroll, T Derasa, (2) T Squamosa, Lg Elegance, Tongue Coral, Favia Maxima, Red Scolymia

Invertebrates: 40+ Hermits (red/blue leg), couple of pistol shrimp (can hear them - can't find 'em)

Maintenance Program:Kalk dosed every hour for approx 15 min with dosing pump, Iodine and Strontium daily, buffer every other week, minimal water changes (maybe 10 gal every other month)

Additional Information: System automated with Neptune controller, in-line chiller maintains temp. I've tried many high-tech toys over 11 years - just to find most were not needed. Had 55 gallon reef prior to the 90gal - was set up from June 89 - April 94'.


Just a pic of a section of my reef. Thought I'd post it before I convert to my 180 soon.

DBW: I just fixed up your link, you typed in an ":" after .com, works fine now.

Here's the future site of my 180! Won't be long! I plan on changing pic as progress is made. Tank will sit on top of wall (was decorated for son's BDAY!!! HAd to OK that!!) http://www.personal.psu.edu/mwm6/pic00003.jpg
[This message has been edited by DBW (edited 13 March 2000).]

[This message has been edited by mwm6 (edited 15 March 2000).]

[This message has been edited by mwm6 (edited 16 March 2000).]

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