Changes include taking my skimmer offline, that's right I've been skimmerless for the past 3.5 weeks, no nitrates so far however I am doing 5-10g of water changes every week :arg:
Also doing very careful parameters monitoring for now.
Not really, most textbooks say that nothing bothers clams.
I think the clam actually irritates the hammer more by opening and closing every so often.
However believe it or not I had a overgrown Kenya tree that irritated it to no end. Right now my xenia pop. is out of hand, they have overgrown onto the clam now. No irritation visible and the clam is showing impressive growth.
Hello Shaun your tank is simply breathless. I hope one day my tank will look as half as good as yours. It's simply amazing. Has to be the nicest tank I ever seen.
Thank you, however it is in the process of being taken down. I have twins on the way - boy and girl. I'll have my hands full for a while, but I'll be back