- Location
- Bronx, NY
So i recently got hired hired to work for military sealift command which will require me to be deep sea on ships for 4 months at a time. I usually get questions on what that is and basically i will be a civilian merchant marine engine officer running the engines on naval ships. Back to the tank though, I recently dropped a good amount of money on a red Sea max s-650 which should be here in less than 2 weeks so that i can combine my two systems into one big one that will be a lot easier for my mother and girlfriend to run. They've run my tanks before while i was on my training ships but now I'll be out more often and for longer periods of time. I will also be hiring an aquarium maintenence guy top come in once a month to do water changes/ change out carbon and gfo/check parameters/etc.
Now to the tank details:
I have this year's red Sea max s-650 coming in with the new led system. It comes with 3 ai hydra 26s i believe. It's 175 total capacity, 150 in the display made out of low iron glass with a 25 gallon sump. It comes with pretty much everything you need a built in 10 gallon ato, all circulating pumps, return pump, skimmer, plumbing, etc. I have some other equipment that will probably be transferred over from my old tanks like the brs carbon/gfo reactor, an mp40w and 2 mp10s (im thinking I'll use the mp40 for sure for a little extra flow, and if i can get the mp10s to stick I'll probably put one behind the rock work to try and prevent any dead spots) and maybe few other things. I have 100+ pounds of base rock that I'd been collecting for a while that i was gonna use for a different upgrade plus another 100+ pounds of live rock in my current systems with the youngest rock being at least 3 or 4 years. I'm ordering a 140 lb box of sand from marcorocks.com for $110 including shipping plus I'm going to use some of my established sand from current tanks i might add more if needed but I'll see how it looks first. I ordered some dr tims nitrifying bacteria for up to 240 gallons which i will be using to quick cycle the tank with the sand and base rock in it for a week or 2 until it stabilizes then start transferring the tanks. I figure with a light cycle and the use of established mature live rock and sand that i shouldn't get much of a spike if any.
I started to do some aquascaping with some the baserock already, no final designs nothing is epoxied together or anything. I'll post some pictures in a few.
I'm open to any questions comments suggestions etc feel free to add anything in to the thread.
Now to the tank details:
I have this year's red Sea max s-650 coming in with the new led system. It comes with 3 ai hydra 26s i believe. It's 175 total capacity, 150 in the display made out of low iron glass with a 25 gallon sump. It comes with pretty much everything you need a built in 10 gallon ato, all circulating pumps, return pump, skimmer, plumbing, etc. I have some other equipment that will probably be transferred over from my old tanks like the brs carbon/gfo reactor, an mp40w and 2 mp10s (im thinking I'll use the mp40 for sure for a little extra flow, and if i can get the mp10s to stick I'll probably put one behind the rock work to try and prevent any dead spots) and maybe few other things. I have 100+ pounds of base rock that I'd been collecting for a while that i was gonna use for a different upgrade plus another 100+ pounds of live rock in my current systems with the youngest rock being at least 3 or 4 years. I'm ordering a 140 lb box of sand from marcorocks.com for $110 including shipping plus I'm going to use some of my established sand from current tanks i might add more if needed but I'll see how it looks first. I ordered some dr tims nitrifying bacteria for up to 240 gallons which i will be using to quick cycle the tank with the sand and base rock in it for a week or 2 until it stabilizes then start transferring the tanks. I figure with a light cycle and the use of established mature live rock and sand that i shouldn't get much of a spike if any.
I started to do some aquascaping with some the baserock already, no final designs nothing is epoxied together or anything. I'll post some pictures in a few.
I'm open to any questions comments suggestions etc feel free to add anything in to the thread.