Pinoy: It should be $450 at PA
RGM: how did you know a porcelin crab came with it. I didnt even know and I spotted him a few days ago by accident.
Tozevbeach & Cshradr: I bought 30 LBS of the nano marshall island rock from PA. Very nice rock might I add. Lots of holes and crevices.
I also bought for the refugium from indo pacific sea farms their 9 for $99 deal. Rock rubble, cheato, calurpa, red tang heaven, ampiphods & copapods, sand clams, mico hermits,wonder mud ect. This kicked the crap into my system and was like nitrous oxide for the reef system. i used only live rock and live sand. My system never got a spike, I just had to wait about 2-3 weeks before adding the indo pacific stuff. In my fuge I just filled it with the rock rubble, wonder mud, and the cheato, calurpa, ect. I did not put any sand in the fuge just the wonder mud. There was tons of life in there crawling around. make sure you adjust the flow in the fuge to a minimal, just enough to get some movement in there.