gtag('event', 'conversion', {'send_to': 'AW-972395556/RN4nCJnV4tkCEKSo1s8D'}); -->
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Well to start the 34 solana I have is stocked to the hilt with ALOT of corals with no more room for anything to grow so it was only a matter of time that an upgrade was in the I picked up a barely used deep blue rimless 60 g cube...and yes I know it's not a huge upgrade like most member here have but I can tell you this much you'll be amazed from start to finish...well atleast I
To start let's get to the stand...yeah the one that cost me $14.52 to build


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Now onto the tank..I decided on going with a blue background(thanks Duke62 you where right blue looks great)I didn't use paint like most people do..I used an adhesive vinyl so I always have the option of changing the color in the future


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As far as the aquascape goes..(.and many who know me know I'm full of surprises when it comes to this part..)I'll be going with a more traditional approach..with lots of ledges caves and cliffs.and ofcourse there will be very minimal amount of rocks on the sandbed so there will be very little detritus build up.i have most of the rocks cooking for well over 2 months so the transfer won't impact the corals I have too much.just waiting on my order of shelf rock to come from Bulk reef supply...maybe ill piss off a lot of people and use grade 8ceramic magnets to hold up the whole aquascape off the sandbed...haven't decided


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Can we get a pic of the custom sump? It seems like there are quite a few compartments.

oh, and why would ceramic magnets piss people off?

Lol..seems like every time someone brings up ceramic magnets everyone gets pissed off
..(if there reef safe or not)which in my research they are..I had a lot of great ideas incorporating grade 8 ceramic magnets into rocks and have them suspended in mid air(or water...guess I'm way ahead of time..and yes it can be done! ..welcome to my future!
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Tony is simply full of ideas. Im pretty sure with now more room he will do something crazy. Thats why i trust him with some ideas for me. I cant wait for him to finish so he can start mine. Lmao

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