November update
Decided to do some work on the
Apex this weekend. I have an Eheim autofeeder that feeds a mix of pellet and flakes once a day. But most of the flakes float and they go into the overflow.
So I decided to config the Apex to turn off my Return Pump and skimmer a few minutes prior to the schedule feed time on the Eheim autofeeder.
With the water drained from the DT this will ensure the food doesn't escape into the overflow. I also had to program the skimmer to turn off to ensure it doesn't overflow with the raised water level in the sump. I'm keeping the Return Pump off for 10 minutes, this should give the fishes more than enough time to eat all the food. After 10 minutes the Return Pump and Skimmer comes back on. The water in the sump takes about 2 minutes to return to normal operating level, so to ensure the skimmer doesn't overflow, I delayed its on time with a defer of 3 minutes. This also prevents any sudden increase in current demand. Not that I'm too worried about this.
I was thinking of turning off the
Vortechs as well, but decided that I will leave them on. I have a WXM that isn't fully configured and will need to figure out the code to automatically place them into "Slow" mode during the feeding. Will do that at a later time.
To do all this I created a Virtual Outlet (VO) named Ehiem and configure it with the time I want it to come on. I then setup the Return Pump and Skimmer outlet to turn off when the Eheim VO is on. By setting up a VO to do all of this I get the added benefit of having manual control to turn the devices off for any unscheduled feeding. This is great because I feed Rods once a week and PE Mysis once a week. Now all I have to do is manually turn on the Eheim VO and it will turn off the Return Pump and Skimmer. When I'm done feeding, I simply set the port back to auto and everything returns to normal. The biggest benefit to me is that I can do this with my android phone. I thought of using the Feed cycles, but couldn't figure out a way to use them to automate AND also have manual control whenever needed.
Lastly, I have a TrendNet IP camera for many years now. It is one of the older IP110 models. I had set it up a few months ago to view the tank but never configured the Apex dashboard to capture the feed from the camera. So I figure why not add the feed to the dashboard. See below for screen capture update.